A woman in HR conducting an interview via video interviewing software

Video Interviewing Software

Video Interviewing Software: A Comprehensive Buyer’s Guide

December 8, 2023

Kiran Kazim

Kiran Kazim

Content Writer

Let’s take a step back from your usual hiring routine.

You’ve got your interview process down, right? Great questions, friendly vibe, competitive offers.

But here’s a question: In this world where everything’s gone digital, are your interview methods keeping up?

It’s like this: stick with the old ways, and you might just miss out on the best talent.

Today, it’s all about who’s got the smartest tech in their corner. It’s not enough to just get through interviews; it’s about doing them smarter and better.

And this is where video interviewing software comes in. It’s not just another piece of tech jargon; it’s the secret weapon you didn’t know you needed. But with so many options out there, how do you pick the right one?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with this guide. We’re going to walk you through everything – what to look for, what to steer clear of, and how to find the perfect fit for your team. By the end, you’ll be equipped to make a choice that’s not just beneficial, but transformative for your recruitment process.

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An image of a person studying the global trends

Recruitment sure has come a long way, hasn’t it? It’s like, one day, we were all about face-to-face interviews and hand-delivered resumes, and then the next thing you know – technology stepped in and changed everything. And right at the heart of this change? Video interviewing software. Indeed, this tech is shaking things up in the world of hiring, and it’s something we can’t ignore.

So, what’s this all about? Simply put, video interviewing software lets you meet, assess, interview, and hire hundreds of candidates no matter where they are. It’s pretty varied, too – from straightforward setups where candidates answer preset questions on camera to fancier systems with live chats and nifty extras that tie in with your other HR tools.

Then, the world started working from home more – thank you, global trends and, of course, the pandemic. This shift has really given video interviews a moment in the spotlight. Now, it doesn’t matter if your dream candidate is across the street or the globe – you can connect with them easily. It’s all about being more open, more inclusive, and getting the best talent out there. And clearly, now more than ever, it would be safe to say that video interviews are an essential part of the recruitment process nowadays.

But why are video interviews such a big deal? Well, for starters, they’re super convenient. You can meet more people in less time, without anyone having to travel. Plus, many of these platforms enable you to record the interview, so you can go back and review it, which is a big help in making better hiring decisions. And let’s not forget the candidates – they get to interview from wherever they’re most comfortable.

Understanding All About Video Interviews Software

Understanding video interviewing software is crucial in today’s digitally driven recruitment prospect. As organizations strive to optimize their hiring processes and reach a broader talent pool, video interviewing platforms have emerged as a key tool. These systems not only facilitate a more efficient and effective recruitment process but also align with the evolving nature of work, particularly in the context of increased remote and hybrid work environments.

So How Exactly to Define a Video Interviewing Software?

An image of a team discussing the pros of using video interviewing software

Video interviewing software is a technological solution designed to conduct job interviews remotely using video communication. This type of software allows for real-time interaction between the interviewer and the candidate or can enable candidates to record their responses to pre-set questions at their convenience. The primary goal of recruitment video interview software is to streamline the hiring process, making it more efficient, cost-effective, and accessible for both employers and potential employees.

By leveraging such video technology, companies can conduct interviews without geographical constraints, therefore significantly broadening their talent search. Additionally, video interviewing can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on arranging in-person interviews, particularly for initial screening stages. For example, EVA-SESS is an award-winning video interviewing software that helps small to enterprise companies easily identify, assess, and recruit top performers in hours, instead of weeks. With AI-powered features and advanced automation, companies can save more than 13 hours per assessment, evaluate candidates at any time or place, quickly assess the skill sets that are hard to measure, mitigate bias, and make the first round of screening 90% faster.  

Different Types of Video Interviewing Software

When it comes to video interviewing software, there are mainly two types you’ll come across: live and pre-recorded. Both have their own set of features and advantages, tailored to suit different needs in the interviewing process.

Live Video Interviewing Software: This type resembles traditional face-to-face interviews, conducted in real-time but over a video call. Live interview video software often includes features like calendar integration, real-time communication tools, and, sometimes, collaborative tools for panel interviews. This type is ideal for deeper engagement with candidates and for assessing their communication skills and personality more effectively.

Pre-recorded Video Interviewing Software: In this format, candidates are given a set of questions and are asked to record their responses within a specified time frame. This type of software is particularly useful for screening a large number of applicants, as it allows hiring managers to review responses at their convenience. Pre-recorded interviews can also help reduce scheduling conflicts and expedite the early stages of the hiring process.

For example, with EVA-SESS, you can set up unique and tailored video assessments. You have the liberty to customize the interview questions, time limit, and the number of retakes allowed, all while highlighting your employer brand. It also allows you to showcase your employer brand, offering candidates a fully branded experience from their first interaction to the final stages of hiring.

Typical Features of Video Interviewing Software

A woman conducting an interview for the head of sales using video interviewing software

The typical features of video interviewing software can vary, but some common functionalities include:

Feature CategoryDescription
Interview SchedulingIntegration with calendars for straightforward scheduling of interviews.
Recording CapabilitiesEnables the recording of interviews for later review and assessment.
Customizable QuestionnairesAllows recruiters to tailor specific questions for different job roles.
Collaboration ToolsFacilitates panel interviews with features like inviting teammates or stakeholders in one click, real-time discussions, and push notifications.
AI-Driven AnalyticsAdvanced software offers detailed reports providing valuable insights into the hiring process.
Security and ComplianceEnsures adherence to data protection regulations and maintains candidate information confidentiality.

Understanding these aspects of video interviewing software is essential for businesses looking to modernize their recruitment process. By choosing the right type of software and utilizing its features effectively, companies can make their hiring process more adaptive, inclusive, and efficient in the evolving work environment.

The Advantages of Using Video Interviewing Software 

The technology of recruitment through video interviewing software has revolutionized the way companies approach talent acquisition, offering numerous advantages that streamline and enhance the recruitment process. From cost savings to reaching global candidates, the benefits of implementing video job interview software are manifold.


One of the most notable advantages of using video interviewing software is its cost-effectiveness. Traditional in-person interviews often involve significant expenses, including travel and accommodation costs for both interviewers and candidates, especially when dealing with out-of-town prospects. By shifting to video interviews, companies can drastically reduce these expenses. The software for video interviewing eliminates the need for physical meeting spaces, travel arrangements, and other associated costs. This reduction in overheads is particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses with limited recruitment budgets.

Video interviewing software like EVA-SESS not only streamlines the interview process but also leads to more efficient allocation of human resources. HR professionals and hiring managers can focus their time and efforts on strategic tasks, such as reducing the logistical burdens of in-person interviews. This shift doesn’t just save money; it also boosts the productivity of the HR department. Furthermore, EVA-SESS’s effectiveness and value are underscored by its five-star rating on GetApp.

Time-saving Benefits

The time-saving benefits of video interviews via software are substantial. Coordinating schedules and organizing interviews can be a time-consuming process, particularly when dealing with multiple candidates across different time zones. Video interviewing software simplifies this process through easy scheduling, often with automated calendar integrations. This efficiency is further enhanced in the case of pre-recorded interviews, where candidates can record their responses at a convenient time, and recruiters can review these recordings at their own pace.

Additionally, video interviewing significantly accelerates the screening process. It enables rapid evaluation of candidates, leading to quicker decision-making in the recruitment journey. This rapid turnaround is crucial in a competitive job market where the ability to swiftly identify and secure top talent can be a significant advantage. Thankfully, EVA-SESS enhances this process, making the initial screening rounds quicker and more efficient. By implementing it, you can assess thousands of thousands of candidates at any time with reliable and secure video assessment interviews. 

Enhanced Reach to Global Candidates

In an increasingly globalized workforce, connecting with candidates worldwide is essential. Video interview software transcends geographical boundaries, enabling companies to access a broader talent pool. This global reach is particularly advantageous for roles that are difficult to fill locally or for companies looking to diversify their workforce.

This technology also aligns well with the growing trend of remote work, allowing companies to efficiently interview candidates who are looking for remote or telecommuting roles. By leveraging video technology, organizations are not just limited to local talent, thereby increasing their chances of finding the best fit for the position.

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Improved Candidate Experience

A happy candidate

Video interviewing software greatly enhances the candidate experience, a critical factor in building an employer’s brand. Candidates appreciate the convenience and flexibility that video interviews offer. They can participate from the comfort of their own home or any other location without the stress and expense of traveling to an interview site. This ease of access is particularly appealing to passive candidates or those currently employed, who might not have the flexibility for in-person interviews.

On top of that, implementing video interviewing in the recruitment process reflects a company’s dedication to modern technology, positioning the organization as progressive and innovative. This approach is especially attractive to tech-savvy candidates and those who appreciate innovation and flexibility in their work environment.

Experience a 70% boost in candidate experience with EVA-SESS. It enables you to send real-time notifications and alerts about their status in the hiring or assessment process. With automated, personalized emails and pre-set alerts, along with detailed guidelines, candidates are constantly informed and engaged throughout the process.

As the corporate world continues to evolve, integrating video interviewing into recruitment strategies seems not just beneficial but essential for companies looking to attract and retain top talent in a dynamic and competitive job market.

Key Features To Look For In Video Interviewing Software

With numerous options available in the market, it’s essential to focus on key features that can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your recruitment strategy. These features for video interviewing software not only simplify the interviewing process but also ensure a smooth, secure, and compliant hiring experience.

User Interface and Ease of Navigation

One of the primary considerations when choosing video interviewing software is the user interface (UI) and its ease of navigation. A user-friendly interface is vital for both the interviewers and the candidates. For interviewers, the software should provide a straightforward dashboard that allows them to schedule interviews, access candidate profiles, and review recorded interviews with ease. For candidates, the interface should be intuitive and simple to use, minimizing technical challenges and making the interview process as stress-free as possible.

The UI should be clean, uncluttered, and logically organized, ensuring that users can find what they need without confusion or frustration. A good video interview software often includes tutorial guides or help sections to assist users in navigating the platform. Remember, the more user-friendly the software is, the more likely it is to be embraced by your team and provide a positive experience for candidates.

Integration with Existing HR Systems and Databases

Integration capabilities are another critical feature of effective video interviewing software. The software should seamlessly integrate with your existing Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and other recruitment tools. This integration enables the automatic transfer of candidate data, scheduling information, and interview records into your HR systems, streamlining the entire recruitment process.

Integration with existing databases and systems reduces manual data entry, minimizes the risk of errors, and ensures that candidate information is easily accessible and securely stored. It also facilitates better coordination among different HR functions, enhancing overall efficiency.

Scalability and Customization Options

Scalability is an essential feature, especially for growing businesses. The chosen video job interview software should be able to accommodate an increasing number of interviews and users without compromising performance. It should be flexible enough to adapt to the changing needs of your organization.

Customization options are also important. The software should allow you to tailor aspects like interview questions, evaluation criteria, and branding elements to fit your specific organizational needs and recruitment strategies. This level of customization helps in maintaining consistency in your hiring process and reinforces your employer brand.

Security, Privacy, and Compliance Measures

An image of a person discussing a data breach

Data breaches are increasingly common, security, privacy, and compliance are non-negotiable features in today’s time. The video interviewing software must have robust security protocols to protect sensitive candidate information. This includes data encryption, secure data storage, and regular security audits.

Compliance with local and international data protection regulations, such as GDPR, is also crucial. The software provider should ensure that their product complies with relevant laws and regulations to protect your company from legal risks.

Analytics and Reporting Capabilities

Analytics and reporting capabilities are key features that enhance the value of video interviewing software. Advanced analytics can provide insights into various aspects of the interview process, such as candidate responses, interviewer feedback, and overall hiring efficiency. These insights can help in making data-driven decisions and improving the recruitment process.

Reporting features should allow for the generation of comprehensive reports on different stages of the hiring process. These reports can include metrics such as time-to-hire, interview-to-hire ratios, and candidate feedback scores. Access to such data helps in evaluating the effectiveness of your recruitment strategies and identifying areas for improvement.

Here’s a table describing the key features:

Feature CategoryDescription
User Interface and NavigationIntuitive, easy-to-use interface with clear guidance.
Integration with HR SystemsSeamless integration with HR tools for efficient data management.
Scalability and CustomizationAdaptable to growing needs and customizable for specific requirements.
Security, Privacy, ComplianceStrong security measures and compliance with data protection laws.
Analytics and ReportingInsightful analytics and comprehensive reporting features.

Tips For Choosing The Right Video Interviewing Software For Your Organization

Choosing the right video interviewing software for your organization is a critical decision that can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of your hiring process. With the diverse range of software available, it’s important to select a platform that not only aligns with your recruitment strategy but also integrates seamlessly with your organizational culture and goals. Here are some key tips to guide you in making an informed choice:

Identifying Organizational Needs and Goals

A lady holding a magnifying glass

The first step in selecting the right video interviewing software is to clearly understand your organizational needs and recruitment goals. Are you looking to streamline the initial screening process, or do you need a comprehensive solution for all stages of interviewing? Consider the volume of hiring, the types of roles you are filling, and the level of interaction you require in interviews.

Also, think about the specific challenges you face in your current recruitment process. For instance, if coordinating interviews across time zones is a challenge, look for software with robust scheduling capabilities. If you’re aiming to enhance candidate experience, prioritize platforms with a user-friendly interface.

Matching Software Capabilities with Company Size, Industry, and Culture

Not all video interviewing software is one-size-fits-all. It’s essential to choose a platform that aligns with your company’s size, industry, and culture. Larger organizations may require more robust systems with extensive integration capabilities and scalability, whereas smaller companies might prioritize simplicity and cost-effectiveness.

Also, different industries have unique hiring requirements. For example, a tech company might look for advanced AI-driven analysis features in interview video software, while a retail business may prioritize ease of use and candidate experience. The software should also resonate with your company’s culture – if your organization values innovation, choose a platform that is known for its cutting-edge features. 

Evaluating Cost and ROI Considerations

Cost is a crucial factor in the decision-making process. When evaluating video job interview software, consider not only the upfront costs but also the potential return on investment (ROI). A more expensive platform might offer features that streamline your hiring process, ultimately saving you money in the long run.

Consider the time saved by HR staff, the cost of potentially poor hires avoided by better screening, and the value of a quicker hiring process. Ensure that the pricing model of the software aligns with your budget and offers good value for the features and benefits provided.

User Reviews and Testimonials: What to Look For

An image of users who use a video interviewing software

User reviews and testimonials are indeed crucial when selecting video interviewing software. They offer insights into real-world use, showcasing the software’s strengths and revealing any possible limitations. To get the most pertinent information, focus on reviews from companies that are similar to yours in size or industry.

Pay attention to comments on customer support, reliability, ease of use, and how well the software integrates with other HR systems. Positive feedback on these aspects is a good indicator of a quality product. However, be cautious of overly positive or generic reviews, and look for detailed, balanced feedback.

Selecting the right video interviewing software requires a thoughtful analysis of your organizational needs, a careful consideration of the software’s capabilities concerning your company’s size, industry, and culture, an evaluation of cost and potential ROI, and an assessment of user reviews and testimonials. By taking these factors into account, you can choose a platform that not only meets your immediate recruitment needs but also supports your long-term talent acquisition strategies.

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Why Consider EVA-SESS? 

An image of a woman who uses EVA-SESS as her go-to video interviewing software

EVA-SESS stands out as a revolutionary AI-powered video interviewing software, designed to streamline and enhance your recruitment process. With the ability to assess thousands of applicants remotely at the click of a button, EVA-SESS offers a seamless blend of automation and in-depth assessment, transforming the way you approach talent acquisition. Here’s a closer look at why it should be your top choice:

Efficient Applicant Evaluation

  • Automated video assessments allow you to evaluate thousands of applicants quickly and fairly.
  • Real-time notifications and personalized communication keep applicants informed throughout the process.
  • A single dashboard provides a comprehensive view of applicant activities, enhancing assessment efficiency.

Customizable and Branded Workflows

  • Tailor your assessment pipelines to fit unique needs, with visible triggers for applicant status tracking.
  • Customize interview questions, time limits, and retakes, while emphasizing your employer brand for a cohesive candidate experience.

Centralized Communication

  • Streamline team and candidate communication through a unified platform with email integration (Gmail, Outlook).
  • Involve team members and stakeholders in the assessment process for a collaborative approach to talent evaluation.

Comprehensive Talent Assessment Platform

  • Whether assessing current employees or new talent, gain a holistic view of candidates through scientifically validated assessments.

Advanced Filtration Tools

  • Quickly identify top talent with smart filtering capabilities, focusing on essential competencies and skills.

Scientifically Validated AI-Personality Reports

  • Understand applicants deeply with reliable personality reports.
  • Assess skills relevant to your company and match applicants to roles effectively using the Five-Factor Model report.

Extensive Integration Options

  • Leverage over 2000 integrations to enhance and scale your recruitment workflows seamlessly.

EVA-SESS stands out for its comprehensive, customizable, and user-friendly features, making it an excellent choice for modern, efficient, and effective talent acquisition.

Final Thoughts

In wrapping up our guide on video interviewing software, it’s clear that the right choice can revolutionize your hiring process. It’s not just about convenience; it’s about finding a tool that aligns with your company’s values and enhances the candidate experience. Remember to balance features, usability, and cost with your specific needs.

Choosing the right software is vital in today’s digital-first world. It’s more than a tool; it’s a reflection of your company culture and a step towards building a diverse and talented team. So, take your time, evaluate carefully, and you’ll find a platform that’s not just a fit for today but a foundation for tomorrow’s hiring success.

EVA-SSESS is an award-winning video interviewing software that helps worldwide companies easily identify, assess, and recruit top performers in absolutely no time. With AI-powered features and advanced automation, enterprise companies can save more than 13 hours per assessment, evaluate candidates at any time or place, quickly assess the skill sets that are hard to measure, mitigate bias, and make the first round of screening 90% faster. Click here and request your FREE demo today!

Frequently Asked Questions

In the world of modern recruitment, understanding the nuances and capabilities of video interviewing software is crucial. To shed light on this, let’s look into some frequently asked questions, providing insights and clarity on how this innovative technology can transform the hiring process and enhance talent acquisition strategies.

1. How can video interviewing software impact recruitment efficiency and candidate quality?

Video interviewing software enhances recruitment efficiency by streamlining scheduling and assessment processes while improving candidate quality through broader access to talent and better screening tools.

2. What are the must-have features in video interviewing software for big organizations?

Must-have features for big organizations include advanced analytics, AI-driven assessments, robust integration capabilities, high scalability, and comprehensive security and compliance measures.

3. How can organizations prepare for future innovations and trends in video interviewing technology?

Organizations can prepare for future innovations in video interviewing technology by staying informed about tech trends, investing in adaptable platforms, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and flexibility within their HR teams.

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Kiran Kazim

Kiran Kazim

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