Government and public sector hiring simplified

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Government and Public Sector Hiring Software

Find, recruit, and build effective government teams today

Trusted by the world’s best companies and brands
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Trusted by renowned clients across the globe

  • Dr Sulaiman Al Habib
  • RE/MAX Logo
  • bank aljazera
  • oman petrol
  • ministry of economy and planing
  • Flyadeal Logo
  • 20250211 Website HomePage Logo EL 04
  • Alraedah Logo
  • King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  • Vodafone Logo
  • Capital Bank Logo
  • Arab Bank
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  • Jordan Kuwait Bank Logo
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  • HyperPay Logo
  • SRMG Logo
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  • ELM Logo

Eliminate labor-intensive phone screenings

Save valuable time screening and shortlisting top talent through AI and automation. Our advanced recruiting solutions allow you to assess, screen and shortlist the best government teams through video assessment interviews and 200+ talent assessments that you can specifically tailor for the government industry.

See it in action
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Unlock real business intelligence in seconds

Establish a single source of truth for your organization. Get flexible reports and a drill-down of your recruitment process in seconds. With advanced analytics and reporting from Elevatus, you and your teams can gain actionable insights into your talent acquisition. So you can improve and pave the way for optimal performance that is expected from the public sector.

Get started today
analytics, reports, and insights

Streamline government hiring significantly

Elevatus brings greater efficiency by streamlining recruiting workflows for staff, government officials, and every other part of the government. Allowing you to leverage advanced AI and automation to create smarter hiring workflows and processes that pave the way for exceptional government hiring.

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senior software engineer position
Government Recruitment Software

Stay compliant with your recruitment processes

Elevatus is stringently and regularly audited to meet industry and government standards. Stay organized and compliant by centralizing all your data and documents. Our highly secure recruiting solutions are compliant with GDPR to protect your data with redundant backups and full encryption – all the time.

linkedin google meet slack logo

Seamlessly integrate with your existing systems

Our advanced recruiting solutions bring together all your favorite tools that you use on a daily basis. The best part? You won’t have to worry about rebuilding your entire IT infrastructure. Simply integrate with world-class tools, unify communication, collaborate more, and make all your business workflows more forward-looking.

discussion thread

One collaboration hub for public sector teams

Meet the unique needs of public sector teams all while keeping them supported and empowered. Help remote teams easily track approvals, manage requests, solicit feedback, collaborate together, and stay connected – all through one centralized portal.

approval tracking process

Empower employees through the self-service system

Reduce dependencies and empower public sector employees to take control of their recruitment data. Allow them to apply to internal vacancies, update their profiles, track their approvals, and request job requisitions – with their own dashboard dedicated to them.

World-class integrations
for public sector teams

Explore 2000+ world-class integrations
that easily help you build, run, and scale your workflows

Get started today ->

Seamlessly integrated with top-tier recruitment tools
Easily run, manage, and streamline your onboarding process – wherever you are

  • LinkedIn

    Promote jobs, connect with potential candidates and build a diverse talent pool fast.

  • Zoom

    Schedule remote meetings, webinars, and interviews – all under one unified umbrella.

  • Slack

    Bring team collaboration into one place, and help keep remote teams stay connected.

  • Microsoft Teams

    Allow users to conduct video meetings, chat and collaborate – all in one place.

  • Indeed

    Promote job vacancies, boost job visibility and build a centralized database of candidates.

  • SAP

    Interview, assess, and recruit top performers through AI and video interviews.

  • Oracle

    Manage, automate, and optimize core recruitment functions to hire top talent fast.

  • Udemy

    Suggest online courses to candidates to fine-tune their skill sets.


    Securely exchange electronic job offers, NDAs, certificates, and more.


Keep your data safe and secure at all times

Achieve the best GDPR compliance with our safe and secure recruiting software. Take the effort out of compliance with enterprise-grade security that safeguards your data and protects your enterprise.

Explore our award-winning recruiting solutions

Companies of all sizes are using EVA-REC to hire without the extra time, effort, and cost.


EVA-SSESS is the fastest way to discover and hire top talent, wherever they are.

EVA-SSESS - Video Interview Platform

Create better first days for new hires with EVA-BOARD, and build a paperless onboarding process.

EVA-BOARD Onboarding Software

Hire dependable government employees today

Optimize and improve your hiring process with recruiting solutions built to meet the government sector’s needs.

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