An organization using HR onboarding software for the onboarding process

Onboarding Software

How to Skyrocket New Hire Success While Saving Money with the Right HR Onboarding Software

December 8, 2023

Kiran Kazim

Kiran Kazim

Content Writer

Forget about your traditional onboarding methods for a second.

You can have the most comprehensive training programs, the friendliest welcome committees, and the most thorough orientation checklists – but if they’re draining your resources, are they really worth it?

Just like a startup with the best product that no one knows about is doomed to fail, your onboarding process could be setting you up for a fall. It’s not just about getting new hires in the door; it’s about efficiently ramping them up to success without burning a hole in your budget.

Think about it. Every time you bring in someone new, there’s this colossal effort to get them up to speed. But what if there’s a smarter way? A way where you don’t just save money but also supercharge your new hire’s journey in your company?

That’s where the right HR onboarding software comes into play. No, it’s not just another tech gimmick. It could be the game-changer you need. 

Ready to dive in? Let’s explore how this tool isn’t just about cutting costs but about transforming your new employees into valuable assets faster and more effectively than ever before.

Onboard and nurture new hires before day one

Easily onboard a group of new hires – all at once. Seamlessly customize onboarding for various new hires from different job types, departments, and locations with just a few clicks.

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Mastering the Art of Effective Onboarding with Advanced HR Onboarding Software

An image of a man using HR onboarding software to make the onboarding efficient

Effective onboarding is pivotal for new hire success, acting as a bridge that connects fresh talent to their new roles and company culture. With the best HR onboarding software, this crucial phase becomes more than just a formality; it transforms into a strategic advantage. This blog explores the intricacies of effective onboarding and how onboarding HR software elevates this process.

When we talk about effective onboarding, we’re referring to a comprehensive, engaging, and personalized experience that accelerates a new hire’s productivity and integration into the company. 

HR employee onboarding software plays a critical role in this by automating administrative tasks, providing interactive training modules, and fostering social connections. This onboarding platform is not just about paperwork; it’s about creating a welcoming and informative journey for new employees. Basically, it makes them feel more at home!

The must-have features in HR and onboarding software include user-friendly interfaces, customizable workflows, compliance management, and integration capabilities with other HR systems. Additionally, the value of analytics and reporting in understanding and improving the onboarding process cannot be overstated. For businesses on a budget, free HR onboarding software options can also be explored, offering basic functionalities without financial commitment.

Investing in an onboarding tool isn’t just about making life easier for HR departments; it’s also about significant cost savings. A robust onboarding system reduces the time spent on manual processes, cuts down on paperwork, and decreases turnover rates by enhancing employee engagement from day one. The result is a higher ROI, both in terms of reduced costs and increased productivity.

As we go deeper into the topic, we will explore these facets in detail, guiding businesses on how to select and implement an onboarding platform that not only optimizes the new hire experience but also aligns with their financial goals. 

Stay tuned for insightful strategies and tips on maximizing the impact of your HR onboarding software.

Defining HR Onboarding Software And Its Role In The Hiring Lifecycle

An image of a man using his laptop and a dart

HR onboarding software is a tool that helps companies when they hire new employees. It’s like a digital assistant that takes care of many important tasks. Here are three key things it does:

  • Document Management: This is like a smart filing system on the computer. When a new person joins a company, they have to fill out many forms, like contracts and personal information sheets. The software helps to keep all these documents in one place but in a digital format. It makes it easier to store, find, and manage these important papers without the mess of physical files.
  • Scheduling and Training: The software also helps plan out the training for new employees. When someone starts a new job, they need to learn a lot of things about how to do their work and understand the company’s rules. The software can automatically set up training sessions and keep track of what training the new employee has completed. It’s like a smart planner that helps organize all the learning and tasks they need to do in their first days or weeks.
  • Compliance Tracking: Finally, the software makes sure that new employees know and follow the company’s rules and legal requirements. It’s like a checklist that tracks whether the new employees have learned all the important stuff about working safely and ethically. This is really important because it helps the company and the employees avoid any legal problems.

So, this HR onboarding software is really useful for companies to help new employees get started smoothly and make sure nothing important is missed in the process. For example: EVA-BOARD is an advanced onboarding software that helps companies bridge the gap between hiring and onboarding. Enabling them to automate the entire pre-boarding journey, keep new hires engaged, build exceptional first days for newcomers, onboard a group of new hires at once, streamline different onboarding workflows, delegate onboarding tasks fast, and get more clarity with real-time onboarding metrics.

Impact on Employee Retention and Productivity

HR onboarding software does more than just help new employees start their jobs. It greatly affects whether they stay at the job for a long time and how quickly they become good at their work. 

What’s more? Effective use of HR onboarding software can have a significant impact on employee retention. According to the Brandon Hall Group, great employee onboarding can improve retention by 82%. This statistic underscores the importance of a streamlined and engaging onboarding process facilitated by advanced HR onboarding software. Here’s how:

  • Positive Onboarding: When new employees start a job, the way they are welcomed and trained is really important. If they feel valued and get all the information they need, they are more likely to enjoy their job and stay with the company for a long time. This software helps create a welcoming and helpful start for new employees. It’s like having a friendly guide when you start at a new school. If you feel welcomed and get all the help you need, you’re more likely to enjoy being there and stay.
  • Quicker Productivity: Normally, when someone starts a new job, it takes some time to learn everything and become really good at their work. This is called the learning curve. HR onboarding software helps new employees learn their jobs faster. It organizes their training and gives them the information they need right when they need it. This means they can start doing their job well sooner, which is good for them and the company. 

Instead of taking a long time to adjust, they can quickly become a part of the team and contribute to the company’s success. For example, you can increase productivity by 60% with EVA-BOARD, as it helps you centralize and complete onboarding tasks in one single place. With EVA-BOARD, you can also save valuable time, eliminate the administrative load, and create a more memorable onboarding journey for your newcomers.

Major Challenges of Employee Onboarding and How to Overcome Them

An image of a woman trying to overcome the challenges of onboarding by using HR onboarding software

Employee onboarding is a critical phase in the employee lifecycle, yet it comes with its unique set of challenges. Addressing these effectively is essential for ensuring a smooth transition for new hires and the long-term success of the organization. Here, we discuss some major challenges of employee onboarding, provide examples, and explore how HR onboarding software can offer solutions.

Information Overload 

New hires are often bombarded with a vast amount of information, ranging from company policies to role-specific training. This can be overwhelming and may lead to confusion or misinterpretation. For example, an employee might miss understanding key compliance procedures due to the sheer volume of information presented on their first day.

Solution with HR Onboarding Software: The best HR onboarding software can stagger the delivery of information and customize learning paths, ensuring that new hires absorb information at a manageable pace. Interactive modules and checklists can help keep track of learning progress.

Administrative Burden

The administrative workload involved in onboarding can be daunting. This includes paperwork for employment contracts, benefits enrollment, and setting up IT accounts. Manually handling these tasks is time-consuming and prone to errors.

Solution with HR Onboarding Software: Onboarding HR software automates many of these administrative tasks. With a solution like EVA-BOARD, the onboarding process is significantly enhanced through the integration of digital forms and e-signature capabilities. This advanced approach not only streamlines document management, making it more efficient and user-friendly, but also significantly reduces the time and potential errors associated with traditional, manual processing. EVA-BOARD’s innovative features ensure a smoother, more reliable, and efficient onboarding experience for both HR professionals and new hires.

Cultural Integration

Integrating new hires into the company culture is crucial for long-term retention but often challenging. Without proper cultural orientation, new employees might feel disconnected, leading to lower job satisfaction. For instance, new hires might feel isolated if they are not properly introduced to team traditions or company values.

Solution with HR Onboarding Software: HR and onboarding software can include modules that introduce company culture through interactive content, virtual meet-and-greets, and integration with social tools that connect new hires with their colleagues. Specifically, with a solution like EVA-BOARD, you can easily introduce new hires remotely to team members. Also, get them familiar with your company culture and policies. Provide a centralized hub of useful resources that they can tap into before they even start.

Consistency in Onboarding Experience

Ensuring a consistent onboarding experience across different departments or locations is challenging. Inconsistencies can lead to unequal knowledge bases and experiences among employees, potentially causing internal conflicts or misunderstandings.

Solution with HR Onboarding Software: A standardized onboarding tool or platform ensures that every new hire receives the same level of training and information, irrespective of their department or geographical location.

Tracking Progress and Feedback

Monitoring the progress of new hires and obtaining their feedback to improve the onboarding process is often overlooked. Without this, it’s hard to gauge the effectiveness of the onboarding program.

Solution with HR Onboarding Software: Many onboarding systems come equipped with analytics and feedback tools. These can track the progress of new hires and solicit feedback, allowing continuous improvement of the onboarding process. Get more clarity with real-time

onboarding metrics by using EVA-BOARD. Where you can intelligently evaluate your onboarding process with real-time interactive reports and dashboards. With EVA-BOARD, you can effortlessly tap into the power of intelligent data analysis, thanks to its interactive reports and intuitive dashboards.

Remote Onboarding

An image of a team trying to incorporate HR onboarding software

With the rise of remote work, onboarding employees who may never step into a physical office presents unique challenges, such as creating a sense of belonging and effectively communicating company norms.

Solution with HR Onboarding Software: Free HR onboarding software or premium versions can facilitate remote onboarding through virtual orientations, online training sessions, and digital team-building activities, ensuring remote employees feel as included and well-informed as their in-office counterparts.

In a nutshell, while the challenges of employee onboarding are varied and complex, leveraging the right HR onboarding software can significantly alleviate these issues. By automating administrative tasks, ensuring consistent information delivery, facilitating cultural integration, and enabling remote onboarding, these tools not only streamline the process but also enhance the experience for both the new hire and the organization.

Create unlimited onboarding journeys

Easily build various onboarding journeys for different business units, job levels, and regions. With EVA-BOARD, you can seamlessly customize your onboarding workflows, templates and portals to give multiple new hires exceptional experiences.

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How to Evaluate HR Onboarding Software Effectively

Evaluating HR onboarding software is a critical step for organizations looking to enhance their employee onboarding process. This evaluation involves understanding the key features that are essential for effective onboarding, comparing various top-tier software options, and deciding between free and paid solutions based on specific organizational needs.

Key Features to Look for in HR Onboarding Software

When assessing HR onboarding software, several key features are essential:

  • Automation of Administrative Tasks: Look for software that can automate tasks like form submissions, document management, and setting up IT accounts.
  • Customizable Workflows: The software should allow customization to align with the company’s specific onboarding procedures. Beyond just workflows, EVA-BOARD empowers you to personalize templates and portals. This means every aspect of your onboarding process – from the look and feel to the content and structure – can be tailored to reflect your organization’s culture and brand identity.
  • Interactive Learning Tools: Engaging learning modules and training tools to help new hires understand their roles and the company culture efficiently.
  • Integration Capabilities: The software should seamlessly integrate with existing HR systems for a unified approach.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Tools for tracking progress and gathering feedback are crucial for continuous improvement.
  • Remote Onboarding Features: Given the rise of remote work, look for features that support virtual onboarding.

Free vs. Paid HR Onboarding Software

Let’s take a closer look at free versus paid HR onboarding software. In this part, we’ll compare their features, understand their pros and cons, and help you decide which type fits your organization’s onboarding process best.


  • Cost-effective for small businesses or startups.
  • Basic features like digital documentation and simple workflows are usually included.


  • Limited functionality and customization options.
  • Lack of advanced features like comprehensive integration and detailed analytics.

When to Invest in Paid Solutions?

Investing in paid HR onboarding software is advisable when:

  • The organization requires more sophisticated features like advanced integration, detailed analytics, and customized onboarding experiences.
  • There is a need for higher data security and compliance standards.
  • The company has a larger workforce or multiple locations, necessitating a more robust system for consistent onboarding experiences.

Evaluating HR onboarding software requires a thorough understanding of an organization’s specific needs and challenges. By focusing on key features, comparing the best software in the market, and weighing the benefits of free versus paid solutions, businesses can select an onboarding tool that not only streamlines the onboarding process but also enhances the overall new hire experience.

How The Right HR Onboarding Helps To Skyrocket New Employee Success?

An image of happy employees

The right HR onboarding software is a game-changer for organizations looking to significantly boost the success of their new employees. When leveraged effectively, it can transform the onboarding experience, directly impacting employee engagement, productivity, and long-term retention.

Enhancing First Impressions

First impressions are lasting, and this is especially true in the context of a new job. HR onboarding software helps in making the first days of a new hire not only informative but also engaging and welcoming.

  • Welcoming Interface: A user-friendly and welcoming interface of the onboarding platform immediately puts new hires at ease.
  • Organized Information Delivery: By providing structured and well-paced information, the software ensures that new hires are not overwhelmed, facilitating a positive first impression of the company’s organization and efficiency.

Streamlining the Learning Curve

The initial learning curve can be steep for new employees. HR onboarding software helps in flattening this curve by providing structured learning paths.

  • Customized Training Modules: These modules can be tailored to the specific role and department of the new hire, ensuring relevance and efficiency in learning.
  • Interactive Learning Tools: Engaging content such as videos, quizzes, and interactive modules make the learning process more enjoyable and memorable.

Facilitating Social Integration

Feeling socially connected is crucial for new employees. HR onboarding software can play a vital role in this aspect.

  • Virtual Introductions: The software can facilitate introductions to team members and key personnel in the organization, helping new hires start building their internal network.
  • Social Events and Team Building Activities: Organizing virtual or in-person social events through the platform can help new employees feel part of the team.

Personalizing the Onboarding Experience

Personalization is the key to making new hires feel valued and recognized as individuals. Here we explore how tailoring the onboarding process can significantly enhance new employee engagement and retention.

  • Tailored Content: The software can provide content that is tailored to the new hire’s interests, background, and career path.
  • Individual Learning Paths: Different roles require different skills and knowledge. Personalized learning paths ensure that each new hire is getting the most relevant information.

Providing Real-Time Feedback and Support

Feedback and support are essential components of a successful onboarding process. We’ll now discuss how real-time assistance can enhance user experience, streamline recruitment processes, and ensure effective problem resolution.

  • Instant Feedback Mechanisms: Onboarding software often includes features for instant feedback, allowing new hires to quickly adjust and improve.
  • Support Resources: Access to FAQs, help desks, or chatbots within the software provides new hires with the tools to seek help whenever needed.

Tracking Progress and Setting Goals

Finally, monitoring progress and setting clear goals is crucial for new employee success. Let’s now discuss how tracking key metrics and setting achievable targets can drive recruitment efficiency and align hiring practices with your organizational strategy.

  • Progress Tracking Tools: These tools allow both the new hire and the HR team to monitor progress through different stages of the onboarding process.
  • Goal Setting Features: The software can help in setting early career goals for new hires, aligning their personal growth with the company’s objectives.

Basically, investing in high-quality HR onboarding software is, therefore, not just an operational decision; it’s a strategic move towards building a more dynamic, efficient, and committed workforce.

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Send new hires multiple documents that need to be signed and cleared before day one. Seamlessly share documents and request e-signatures instantly with our futuristic onboarding software.

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How The Right HR Onboarding Software Can Reduce Onboarding Costs

An image of a company doing cost analysis

The right HR onboarding software is not just a tool to streamline the integration of new employees; it’s a strategic investment that can lead to significant cost reductions in the onboarding process. This software enhances efficiency, improves accuracy, and provides a more engaging experience for new hires, all of which contribute to cost savings. Let’s delve into how HR onboarding software achieves this.

Automating Administrative Tasks

Administrative tasks in onboarding often involve a substantial amount of manual work, including data entry, scheduling, and document management. HR onboarding software automates these processes, significantly reducing the time and labor costs associated with them. For example, EVA-BOARD lets you decrease time and cost spent on admin tasks – and quickly get back all important documents from new hires in one go.

  • Efficiency in Data Management: By automating data entry and records management, HR onboarding software eliminates the need for HR personnel to manually enter information into multiple systems.
  • Automated Scheduling and Task Management: The software can automatically schedule training sessions, meetings, and other onboarding activities, freeing up HR staff to focus on more strategic tasks.

Minimizing Paperwork Errors

Manual handling of paperwork is prone to errors, which can be costly to rectify. HR onboarding software reduces these errors significantly.

  • Digital Forms and E-Signatures: By using digital forms and e-signature capabilities, the software minimizes the errors common in paper-based processes.
  • Consistency and Compliance: The software ensures consistency in the documents and forms used, helping to maintain compliance with legal requirements and reducing the risk of costly legal issues.

Lowering Training Costs

Traditional training methods can be expensive, requiring resources like instructors, printed materials, and physical space. HR onboarding software can lower these costs by shifting to digital training methods.

  • Online Training Modules: These modules can be accessed by new hires at their convenience, eliminating the need for in-person training sessions and the associated costs.
  • Reusable Content: Digital training content can be reused for multiple new hires, providing economies of scale.

Reducing Time-to-Productivity

An image of a man showing productivity graph after incorporating HR onboarding software

The quicker a new employee becomes productive, the better it is for the organization’s bottom line. HR onboarding software accelerates this process. Especially with EVA-BOARD you can efficiently boost productivity by 60% and focus more on creating meaningful introductions. 

  • Structured Learning Paths: By providing clear and structured learning paths, the software helps new hires quickly acquire the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Early Engagement: Engaging employees from day one with interactive onboarding can lead to quicker assimilation into their roles.

Decreasing Turnover Rates

High employee turnover is costly. Effective onboarding software can reduce turnover by enhancing the new hire experience.

  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: A positive onboarding experience can significantly improve employee satisfaction and engagement, leading to lower turnover rates.
  • Early Identification of Issues: The software’s feedback mechanisms can help in identifying and addressing any issues or concerns that new hires may have, preventing early exits.

Consolidating Onboarding Tools

Organizations often use multiple tools for different aspects of onboarding, which can be inefficient and costly. HR onboarding software can consolidate these tools into a single platform.

  • One-stop Solution: An all-in-one onboarding platform eliminates the need for multiple separate tools, reducing software costs and streamlining the process.
  • Integration with Existing HR Systems: The best HR onboarding software can integrate with existing HR systems, ensuring a seamless flow of information and reducing the need for duplicate systems.

Offering Scalability and Flexibility

As organizations grow, their onboarding needs change. HR onboarding software offers scalability and flexibility, adapting to changing requirements without significant additional costs.

  • Scalable to Company Size: Whether for a small business or a large corporation, HR onboarding software can be scaled to accommodate the number of new hires.
  • Adaptable to Different Roles and Departments: The software can be customized for different roles and departments, ensuring relevance and effectiveness across the organization.

Additional Benefits

Beyond the direct ways listed above, HR onboarding software also offers indirect cost savings:

  • Reduced Need for Physical Space: With digital onboarding, there is less need for physical space for training and meetings.
  • Environmental Savings: Reducing the use of paper and physical materials not only saves costs but is also environmentally friendly.

Data-Driven Decisions: The analytics provided by the software can help in making data-driven decisions that can lead to cost savings in the long run.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the right HR onboarding software isn’t just a cost-saver; it’s a crucial step in setting new hires up for success. By making the onboarding process smooth and engaging, it helps new employees quickly become productive and happy in their roles. This not only saves money but also boosts the overall growth and success of your business. It’s a smart investment for any forward-thinking company.

Still looking for the right onboarding software to make onboarding new hires a breeze?

EVA-BOARD is an advanced onboarding software that helps companies bridge the gap between hiring and onboarding. Enabling them to automate the entire pre-boarding journey, keep new hires engaged, build exceptional first days for newcomers, onboard a group of new hires at once, streamline different onboarding workflows, delegate onboarding tasks fast, and get more clarity with real-time onboarding metrics. Request a free demo today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s tackle the most frequently asked questions now.

1. What are the key features of the best HR onboarding software?

The best HR onboarding software features user-friendly interfaces, automated administrative tasks, customizable workflows, and interactive training modules. Essential tools are compliance management tools, analytics, and reporting capabilities, and integration options with existing HR systems. For enhanced user experience, social integration tools and mobile accessibility are also key.

2. How do I calculate the ROI of my HR onboarding software?

To calculate the ROI of HR onboarding software, assess cost savings from reduced administrative tasks, lower training costs, and decreased turnover rates. Compare these savings against the software’s cost. Additionally, evaluate qualitative benefits like improved new hire productivity and satisfaction, which indirectly contribute to overall ROI.

3. Can HR onboarding software integrate with other systems like payroll and benefits?

Yes, HR onboarding software can integrate with other systems like payroll and benefits. This integration streamlines data sharing, ensuring consistency and accuracy across platforms. It simplifies processes like salary disbursement and benefits enrollment, enhancing efficiency and reducing the likelihood of errors in employee data management.

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Kiran Kazim

Kiran Kazim

Turn top talent to employees fast

Hire, assess, onboard and manage top talent for every job. See how Elevatus streamlines everything; from acquire to new hire.

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