A group of candidates being assessed through video interviewing software

Video Interviewing Software

5 Secret Ways to Recruit the Best Talent With Video Interviewing Software

November 20, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

Do you manage a retail business? Are you struggling to find great talent for your team? The right employees can make all the difference in a retail setting. They can provide excellent customer service, increase sales, and keep the store running smoothly. However, it’s not always easy to find the best candidate to meet your company’s needs. Therefore, when it comes to recruiting the best retail talent, there are a few key things you can do to set yourself apart from the competition. Many businesses are now using video interviewing software to find suitable candidates. Moreover, video interviewing software allows you to screen candidates quickly and easily without the hassle of in-person interviews. It’s a great way to get to know candidates and see if they’re a fit for your business.

Here are five secret ways to recruit the best retail talent with video interviewing software:

Assess personality traits

A group of candidates being assessed with video interviewing software

One of the main benefits of using video interviewing software is that it lets you assess a candidate’s personality traits. It is essential in retail, as you want to ensure your employees are friendly and outgoing. Look for candidates who make eye contact, smile, and speak clearly. These are all signs that the candidate will be an excellent fit for your team. When conducting video interviews, ask questions that will give insight into the candidate’s personality. For example, you might ask them to describe a time when they went above and beyond for a customer. Furthermore, it will help you get to know them better and see if they have the personality traits you’re looking for. Take note of their gestures and expressions, as they can tell you a lot about a person. You may also want to consider using video interviewing software that includes AI capabilities. It can help you assess a candidate’s personality even further by analyzing their facial expressions and vocal tones. It also allows you to make the assessment process even easier and faster.

See how they handle customer service scenarios

A recruiter using video interviewing software for improving customer service

Customer service is a key component of retail. Finding employees who are great at handling customer service scenarios is essential. With video interviewing, you can give candidates a taste of what they would do on the job. You may role-play a customer service scenario with the candidate. For example, you could pretend to be a customer who is angry or upset. See how the candidate handles the situation and if they can diffuse it. Finding employees who can stay calm under pressure and easily handle customer service scenarios is crucial. Communication is also vital in customer service. You want to find employees who can communicate effectively with customers. With video interviewing software, you can see how well the candidate communicates. Pay attention to their body language and see if they can express themselves clearly. In addition, hiring employees who can communicate effectively is paramount, as it will make a big difference in how they handle customer service scenarios.

Ask about their sales experience

A recruiter using video interviewing software to assess candidates sales skills

If you’re looking for retail employees who can drive sales, video interviewing is a great way to assess their sales skills. Ask the candidate about their sales experience and see if they have any examples of times when they’ve successfully closed a sale. Finding employees who are confident and capable of selling products and services is necessary. You may also want to ask the candidate about their experience with upselling. Upselling is a common practice in retail, as businesses want to increase their sales. See if the candidate has any experience upselling products and services. It will give you insight into their sales skills and see if they’re capable of driving sales for your business. Therefore, with video interviewing software, you can assess a candidate’s sales skills. It allows you to see how they communicate and interact with customers. It also lets you know if they can close sales and drive deals for your business.

Determine their product knowledge

A recruiter using video interviewing software to setup pre recorded questions

Product knowledge is essential in retail. Employees need to be able to answer customers’ questions and provide them with information about the products they’re interested in. Video interviewing is a great way to assess a candidate’s product knowledge. You may ask the candidate about their experience with the products you sell. See if they’re familiar with the features and benefits of the products. You may also want to give them a test to see how much they know about the products. It’s important to find employees who are knowledgeable about the products you sell, as they will be able to provide customers with the information they need. Video interviewing software allows you to set up pre-recorded video questions. You may want to consider using this feature to assess a candidate’s product knowledge. You may also pull reports showing how well the candidate did in the video interview. It will give you valuable insights into their product knowledge and help you see if they’re a good fit for the job.

Get an idea of their work ethic

A recruiter using video interviewing software to get an idea of candidates character

Work ethic is important in any job, but it’s vital in retail. Employees need to be able to work long hours on their feet and handle a high volume of customer traffic. By leveraging video interviewing software, it’s easier to assess a candidate’s work ethic. You may ask the candidate about their experience working in retail. See if they’re familiar with the demands of the job. You may also want to ask them about their availability and if they can work weekends and holidays. It’s important to find employees who are willing to work the hours you need them to. If employees are honest and have a strong work ethic, they’re likely to do well in their roles. Video interviewing software lets you get an idea of the candidate’s character and see if they have the qualities you’re looking for.

The takeaway

It’s essential to set your business up for success by taking the time to find and hire the best talent. By using video interviewing software, you can quickly identify top candidates that fit your company’s culture and values. Give these five secret ways to recruit retail talent a try the next time you have an opening in your store. Before you know it, you’ll have a great team in place that will contribute to your bottom line. EVA-SSESS is a next-generation video interviewing software that enables you to pinpoint and hire top talent fast by testing and evaluating key skills and abilities through secure and unbiased video assessment interviews.Want to see EVA-SESS in action? Get a free walk-through demo here!

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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