A recruiter using recruiting solutions to mitigate bias


Recruiting Solutions: 4 Incredible Ways to Mitigate Implicit and Explicit Bias?

October 23, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

Are you struggling with recruiting the best talent for your company while also trying to create a diverse and inclusive workforce? If so, consider leveraging recruiting solutions! In an ideal world, the best candidate for a job would always be selected based on their qualifications and ability to do the work. However, personal biases can influence who gets hired in the real world. Managing bias is important for recruiting because it can help organizations select the best candidates for the job. When personal biases are allowed to influence hiring decisions, qualified candidates may be overlooked. However, many employers are facing similar challenges.

The good news is that recruiting solutions can help you mitigate implicit and explicit bias in your hiring process.

This blog post will explore some of these solutions and how you can use them to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce. But first, let’s find out the different types of biases.

Implicit bias vs. explicit bias

A recruiter using recruiting solutions to avoid bias while hiring

Implicit bias is the unconscious judgments and stereotypes that we all have. We often don’t even realize that we have them. They can negatively impact our decision-making, especially when it comes to hiring. Whereas explicit bias is when someone is consciously aware of their prejudices and makes decisions based on them. While implicit biases are often unconscious and difficult to change, explicit biases are more blatant and easier to address. For example, if a manager believes that women are not as good at math as men, that’s an explicit bias that can be challenged with data or counterarguments. Explicit biases can also manifest as stereotypes, which can be dangerous when they’re used to make assumptions about someone’s abilities or qualifications.

Here is how recruiting solutions can help mitigate bias:

A recruiter using recruiting solutions to eliminate bias while hiring

Use blind resume screening Although bias in the hiring process is a difficult thing to root out, there are steps that companies can take to mitigate its effects. However, if you are using recruiting solutions, you can try blind resume screening. In blind resume screening, also sometimes called “blind candidate screening,” recruiters and hiring managers do not see the name, gender, age, race, or other identifying information of job applicants. This way, they can focus on the candidate’s qualifications without any preconceptions about who the person is. Diversify your recruiting sources If you’re only recruiting from one or two places, you’re likely not reaching a diverse pool of candidates. Make an effort to diversify your recruiting sources to reach a more diverse group of candidates. Several recruiting solutions can help you reach a wider range of candidates. For example, job postings on sites like Indeed and LinkedIn can help you reach a larger pool of potential candidates. Or recruiting solutions like EVA-REC allow you to post on 2000+ job boards with a single click, helping you to reach a wider pool of candidates effortlessly. Additionally, networking with professional organizations representing diverse groups can help you connect with talented individuals from underrepresented backgrounds. By making an effort to diversify your recruiting sources, you can ensure that you’re reaching the best talent available. Write fair and inclusive job posts using recruiting solutions When it comes to job posting, it’s important to be aware of the potential for bias, both implicit and explicit. Bias can creep in at any stage of the recruiting process and frighten away potential candidates. Recruiting solutions can help you write fair and inclusive job descriptions. For example, a recruiting solution like EVA-REC helps you write the job description by simply adding the job title for the position and automatically generating a list of skillsets required for the job! Ultimately helping you develop more diverse candidate pools and create a more accurate job description. Ignore demographic information In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the role of implicit and explicit bias in the workplace. While some companies have responded by making an effort to diversify their workforce, others have turned to technology for help. Recruiting solutions are designed to ignore demographic information which can help mitigate the effects of bias in the hiring process. By doing so, these solutions can level the playing field for all candidates, regardless of their background or identity. While this approach does not completely eliminate bias from the equation, it can significantly reduce its impact on the outcome of the hiring process. In a world where talent is evenly distributed, this type of solution can be a powerful tool for ensuring that the best person for the job is ultimately chosen.

Final thoughts

Although there is no foolproof way to completely eliminate bias in the hiring process, using recruiting solutions that take into account implicit and explicit bias can help to mitigate its effects. By being aware of these biases and taking steps to counteract them, you can ensure that your hiring process is as fair and unbiased as possible. Have you tried using any recruiting solutions that address bias? If not, now may be a good time to start! EVA-REC is a futuristic recruiting solution that automates and improves the hiring process with AI technology. It arms leading enterprises with world-class features that help them create a rich and immersive hiring experience for recruiters and candidates alike. With EVA-REC, companies can drive merit-based, objective, and fair hiring practices that minimize bias, without dehumanizing the hiring process.Want to see EVA-REC in action? Get a free walk-through demo here!

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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