Recruiter using a video interviewing software to onboard candidates

Video Interviewing Software

Everything You Need to Know About Psychometric Reports Generated By Video Interviewing Software: How They Work and What They Mean For Your Business

September 11, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

You must be familiar with or have heard of video interviewing software as a recruiter. You already know what this fantastic AI recruiting tool can offer any company that uses it. However, you should also be familiar with some of the tool’s features.

Many video interviewing software allows you to assess candidates better through psychometric reports validated by modern science. These reports ultimately enable you to gauge the candidate’s fit through their personality traits. 

Therefore, this blog post will give you an overview of the psychometric reports generated by video interviewing software and what they mean for your business.

What Exactly Is a Psychometric Report?

A recruiter analysing psychometric reports through video interviewing software

Psychometrics is the study of psychological measurements. The aim is to measure people’s mental traits, practical skills, character traits, and abilities. This measurement also helps predict their behavior, which is essential for making better hiring decisions.

In short, psychometric testing measures an individual’s suitability for a role by analyzing their cognitive abilities and personality. This video interviewing software can generate this scientifically proven psychometric report backed by the Five Factor Model.

This video interviewing software psychometric report highlights the candidate’s “big five” personality traits, which are:

  • Openness to experience
  • Conscientiousness
  • Extroversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Neuroticism (also known as emotional stability).

Each of these personality traits is vital for businesses when making hiring decisions. Let us explain how these five significant factors work and impact your business.

Openness to Experience

This trait measures an individual’s intellectual curiosity, creativity, and abstract thinking ability. This is essential for companies that want to encourage innovation within their team.

A high score in this category means that the candidate is likely to be creative and open-minded. They will also be able to adapt to new situations quickly. A low score, on the other hand, indicates that the candidate is more traditional and set in their ways.


This trait measures an individual’s organization, planning, and self-control level. This is an essential trait for businesses that want employees who can work independently and take the initiative.

A high score in this category also means that the candidate is likely reliable and hardworking. They will also be able to stick to deadlines and follow through on their commitments. A low score, on the other hand, indicates that the candidate is more spontaneous and less likely to plan.


This trait measures an individual’s sociability, energy, and assertiveness. Extroversion is vital for businesses when hiring because it helps them understand if the candidate can work well with others. Teamwork is essential for any business, and extroversion is a good indicator of whether or not a candidate will be able to work well with others.


This trait measures an individual’s trustworthiness, friendliness, and ability to cooperate with others. Agreeableness is vital for businesses when making hiring decisions because it helps them understand if the candidate will be a team player.

A high score in agreeableness means that the candidate is likely to be good-natured and easy to get along with. They will also be able to resolve conflicts peacefully. A low score, on the other hand, indicates that the candidate is more independent and less concerned with others’ needs.

Neuroticism (Emotional Stability)

This trait measures an individual’s anxiety, depression, and vulnerability to stress. Neuroticism is vital for businesses when hiring because it helps them understand if the candidate can cope with work-related stress.

A high neuroticism score means the candidate is likely to be more emotional and sensitive. They will also be more prone to anxiety and stress. A low score, on the other hand, indicates that the candidate is more even-tempered and less likely to be affected by work-related stress.

Of course, this report is optional to use, but we here at Elevatus think that it will add value and help recruiters learn more about each candidate’s personality before hiring them.

What Does a Psychometric Report Mean to Businesses?

A recruiter and a candidate communicating through a video interviewing software

Helps You Make More Informed Decisions

With a psychometric report, companies can learn more about their candidates. This can be difficult to unravel in a traditional interviewing method, so they may unconsciously hire someone who is not a good match for their company culture.

In other words, with a video interviewing software psychometric report, businesses can reduce the risk of making bad hires. A psychometric report can help companies make more informed decisions about their candidates by giving them an in-depth analysis of their personalities.

Elevates Your Employer Brand

A psychometric report can also help businesses elevate their employer brand. With a psychometric report, companies can show candidates that they are interested in more than just their qualifications. They are interested in understanding them deeper and determining if they would fit the company culture well.

In today’s competitive job market, candidates seek more than just a job. They are looking for a company that values them as individuals and is interested in more than just their qualifications. A psychometric report generated by video interviewing software can help businesses show candidates that they are the type of company they are looking for.

Eliminates Unconscious Bias

Psychometric reports also help to eliminate unconscious bias in the hiring process. Businesses can make fairer and more objective decisions by understanding the candidate’s personality.

Unconscious bias is a significant problem in the hiring process and can often lead to good candidates being overlooked. However, with a psychometric report generated by video interviewing software, businesses can eliminate this bias and make fairer decisions about their candidates.

Improve Workplace Relationships

By understanding employees’ personalities, businesses can improve workplace relationships. This is because they can place employees in positions that suit their strengths and weaknesses.

For example, if a company knows that an employee is more introverted, they can put them in a role that doesn’t require them to interact with customers daily. However, if the business knows that an employee is extroverted and enjoys working with people, they can place them in a customer-facing role.

Understanding employees’ personalities through video interviewing software can help companies to improve workplace relationships by placing them in positions that suit their strengths and weaknesses.

Bottom Line

Psychometric reports are an in-depth analysis of a candidate’s personality. They can help businesses make more informed decisions about their candidates, elevate their employer brand, eliminate unconscious bias, and improve workplace relationships. If you want to use psychometric reports in your business, we recommend using EVA-SSESS, the award-winning video interviewing software.

EVA-SSESS is a next-generation video interviewing software enabling you to quickly pinpoint and hire top talent by testing and evaluating key skills and abilities through secure and unbiased video assessment interviews. Request a free demo today!

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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