A recruiter boosting employer branding with hiring software


Looking to Impress Top Talent? Now is the Time to Boost Your Employer Branding

October 23, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

As the war for top talent wages on, employers are finding themselves in a more competitive position. In order to stand out from the pack and attract the best and brightest candidates, it is now more important than ever to focus on employer branding.

So, what exactly is employer branding? 

Employer branding is the process of ensuring that your company has a good name and reputation as an employer. This can be done in various ways, but it often involves marketing your company as an attractive workplace.

In other words, employer branding is a win-win for both employers and employees. So, if you’re looking to attract top talent, now is the time to focus on boosting your employer brand! However, employer branding is not something that can be done overnight. It takes time, effort, and a lot of planning. But the good news is that we’re here to help.

In this article, we’re going to give you some tips on how to boost your employer branding.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

Develop a Strong Employer Brand Identity

A recruiter working to boost the employer branding

To improve your employer brand; you first need to build a strong employer brand identity. This involves creating an employer brand that is unique and differentiated from your competitors.

To do this, you need to focus on what makes your company an attractive workplace. 

  • What are your company’s values?
  • What is your company culture like?
  • What are the benefits and perks of working at your company?

Once you have answers to these questions, you can start building and developing a strong employer brand identity.

Create Engaging Content

A recruiter creating an engaging content to improve employer branding

The next step is creating engaging content to help promote your employer branding.

What do we mean by engaging content? This means creating content that is interesting, informative, and shareable.

Some ideas for engaging content include:

  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars

Remember, the goal is to create content that will help you promote your employer branding and attract top talent. So make sure that your content is high quality and engaging enough to attract the attention of top-notch talent!

Promote Your Employer Branding on Social Media

A recruiter promotes employer branding on social media.

Another great way to boost your employer branding is by promoting it on social media.

Social media is a powerful tool that can help you reach a wide audience. And if you use it correctly, it can be a great way to promote your employer branding and attract top talent.

Here are a few tips for promoting your employer brand on social media:

  • Post engaging content that promotes your employer branding
  • Engage with other users and nurture positive interactions
  • Monitor your social media channels and address any negative comments or reviews promptly

You can also use different employer branding strategies for different social media channels.

For example, on LinkedIn, you can create a company page and post content that showcases your employer brand. You can also use LinkedIn to search for and connect with potential candidates.

On Twitter, you can use hashtags to reach a wider audience and promote your employer branding. And on Facebook, you can create a career page and post content that will help you attract top talent.

Focus on Employee Engagement

a group of committed employees enhances the employer branding.

Employee engagement is another important aspect of employer branding. Employee engagement is how excited, and committed people are about their jobs and the company they work for.

A study by Gallup found that companies with high levels of employee engagement are more likely to experience:

  • Lower turnover rates
  • Higher productivity levels
  • Increased profits

So, as you can see, employee engagement is essential to employer branding. There are also a few other ways to improve employee engagement, such as:

  • Fostering a positive work environment
  • Encouraging open communication
  • Providing opportunities for career growth and development

If you want to attract top talent, you need to focus on employee engagement.

Collect Employee Feedback

employees provide feedback to help improve the employer band

Another great way to boost your employer branding is by collecting employee feedback. What do we mean by that? Employer feedback is when you collect data from your employees about their work experiences.  This feedback can help you identify areas where you need to improve and make changes to your employer brand.

There are a few different ways to collect employee feedback, such as:

  • Exit interviews
  • Engagement surveys
  • Performance reviews
  • Informal conversations

Feedback from employees is important because it can help you figure out where your employer branding needs to be improved. It can also help you understand what your employees like and don’t like about your company culture.

Collecting employee feedback is a great way to improve your employer branding, so make sure that you do it often!

Measure Your Progress

Recruiters are keeping track of employer branding progress.

Once you’ve started using some of the employer branding strategies we’ve discussed, it’s important to keep track of how things are going. Measuring your progress will help you figure out what’s working and what isn’t – so you can make the necessary changes to your employer brand.

There are a few different ways to measure your employer branding progress, such as:

  • Analyzing your website traffic
  • Checking your social media engagement
  • Conducting surveys

Measuring your progress is essential to improving your employer brand. By measuring your progress often, you can make sure you’re on the right track and that your efforts to build your employer brand are paying off.

Wrapping Up

If you want to attract top talent, you need to focus on employer branding. With the tips we’ve talked about, you can improve your employer branding and make your company more appealing to job seekers.

So what are you waiting for? Start boosting your employer brand today!

EVA-REC is an end-to-end ATS that automates and improves the hiring process with AI technology. From small businesses to industry giants, EVA-REC helps companies drive merit-based, objective, and fair hiring practices that minimize bias without dehumanizing the hiring process. Contact us today and request a walk-through demo of EVA-REC!  

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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