video assessment interviews

Video Interviewing Software

6 Great Things HR Teams Need to Know About Video Assessment Interviews

June 15, 2023

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

video assessment interviews

Hiring quality candidates isn’t rocket science. All it takes are a few great video assessment interviews to improve your chances of landing great talent.

In fact, they are now a major part of the talent acquisition process. Why? Because they help HR teams quickly supersede their recruiting challenges. From lengthy assessments, insufficient candidate insights, inaccurate hiring decisions, to endless manual process – the list goes on. With all these challenges out of the way, HR teams can now focus on what really matters. The candidates.

If you’ve recently adopted an awesome video interviewing software, you’re probably looking forward to assess candidates with video assessment interviews.

So what exactly should you know prior to diving straight into them?

We got you.

In this article, we share the fantastic ways video assessment interviews can add great value to your hiring process.

They significantly reduce time-to-hire

Laptop showing video interviewing software

Whether live or pre-recorded, video assessment interviews can help you save a huge chunk of your time. Just think of all the accumulated time you’ve invested (and wasted) on coordinating in-person interviews, re-scheduling face-to-face assessments, trying to collaborate with your teammates, and following up with candidates. The time spent on these lengthy tasks adds up with every candidate and interview.

The solution, however, lies with video assessment interviews.

A video assessment interview conducted with EVA-SSESS can help you save 80% of your time and assess a large number of candidates in no time. Simply because you can send out hundreds of assessments to candidates in one click, and assess the results at any time or place that suits your convenience. You don’t even need to leave your desk (or couch). Since video assessment interviews are automated with EVA-SSESS, you can assess hundreds of candidates in a span of two days, allowing you to hire at scale and embrace the beautiful side of efficient hiring.

They minimize hiring costs

Talent acquisition specialist

Raise your hands if you’ve been struggling with candidate no-shows, endless phone interviews, and job positions that have been open for months.

Not only is this excessively costly for your business, but it can also drain you mentally and physically. On the other hand, when you conduct a video assessment interview, or manage to assess multiple candidates in one day, you ultimately get to move faster through the hiring process and make the right hire much sooner.

Which means…you can incredibly reduce hiring costs by up to 96%! Think about it this way, when you eliminate travelling costs, costly decisions, and weed out unqualified candidates quickly – you eliminate all the extra costs that may have a huge bearing on your hiring process.

They polish and improve employer branding

Candidate exploring a career page

Every employer aspires to be the employer of choice for candidates. Which only means one thing: crafting a spectacular candidate experience is necessary.

And there’s no better way to do that than with video assessment interviews. When you grant candidates the flexibility to conduct their assessments or interviews at their own convenience, you are simultaneously boosting their satisfaction and engagement with the hiring process. Wondering why?

Because with video assessment interviews, candidates get the chance to shine, showcase who they really are, and make their pitch. What’s more, when a candidate conducts a video assessment interview with EVA-SSESS, they get the chance to retake their responses and even prepare for the questions in advance. In addition, you can also customize invitation messages and emails to candidates. This significantly personalizes their experience and helps you improve your employer brand simultaneously.

They save both time and money

Recruiter using video interviewing software

Its 2021 and it’s quite clear that nobody has any time to waste. Especially on manually reviewing resumes and streamlining the interview process. Luckily, video assessment interviews can help you move faster in the assessment process and tread through the mass of resumes. With more flexibility at hand, recruiters can watch video assessment interviews at their own pace, and quickly eliminate candidates who aren’t a strong match. Video assessment interviews also eliminate geographical barriers, which means that recruiters and candidates don’t need to travel or commute for long hours just to conduct the assessments in person.

What’s more, recruiters that use video interviewing software like EVA-SSESS to learn more about candidates in a shorter amount of time. Simply because after each video assessment interview, recruiters will get a Five Factor Model report for each candidate. This report will reveal more about the candidate’s personality traits, their learning and communication style, performance in sales, programming aptitude, and the way they deal with customers. So with just a few clicks, recruiters can quickly identify if candidates are a good fit for the position or not, with personality reports that are backed by modern science and AI.

They eliminate hiring bias

Recruiter viewing a video assessment interview

With video assessment interviews, hiring bias is reduced in several ways.

First of all, when using video interviewing software to conduct assessments or interviews, recruiters can seamlessly collaborate in one place and get multiple opinions. This way, one recruiter’s bias won’t influence the hiring decision.

Second of all, recruiters will always have a database and reference for the candidates’ video assessment interviews. Which means that they can always refer back to them at any time, review them, and share them with teammates to eliminate any risk of bias.

Lastly, conducting video assessment interviews offers a more structured process. Simply because all the candidates are asked the same set of questions. With more standardization at hand, recruiters won’t risk invoking any bias, because all candidates are treated the same. Even when evaluating the candidates, recruiters can use our AI video interviewing software to compare the candidates’ answers to their model answer. The model answer is the ideal answer that is expected to be heard from the candidates. The AI will then generate a relevancy percentage for each question submitted by the candidates. This percentage represents how relevant the candidates’ answers are in comparison to the recruiter’s model answer. This way, recruiters won’t rely on their intuition and gut feeling to assess candidates. Instead, they can rely on the AI and advanced technology to assess all candidates fairly.

They fine-tune the candidate experience

Recruiter interviewing a candidate

It may be hard to craft a wonderful candidate experience for all sorts of candidates. But with video assessment interviews, you definitely can! First and foremost, they curate a consistent and branded journey that helps candidates move through the process without a hitch or glitch.

When candidates get to conduct their assessments or interviews at their own convenience, their experience instantly increases in two-folds. With video interviewing software like EVA-SSESS, recruiters can also add an employer video prior to the video assessment. This video adds a human touch, and significantly ramps up the candidate’s engagement. In these videos, employers can welcome candidates to the assessments, and share valuable tips and advice that can support them in acing the assessments. This way, candidates will become more eager to join your company, once they see that they’re taking part in an interactive and engaging assessment experience.

Wrapping up

In short, video assessment interviews allow recruiters to expand their reach, identify top talent, and assess candidates easier and at a fraction of the cost. As we continue to implement video technology into the hiring process, it’s easy to acknowledge that video technology is the future, and it’s here to stay. We hope that this article has shed enough light on everything you needed to know about conducting efficient video assessment interviews!

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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