recruiters hiring with a hiring platform

Hiring Platform

How to Recruit Like a Brilliant Marketer with a Hiring Platform

March 9, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

Whether we like it or not, recruitment marketing is the new black.

Hiring amazing talent wasn’t always easy, even before the world turned upside-down in 2020. So to stay competitive as recruiters, you have to get creative like marketer – preferably with a hiring platform. And the truth is; you might work in HR, but to hire top talent, you’ve got to start thinking like a marketer.

In one way or another, HR is starting to look a lot like Marketing nowadays. While you may not be selling a product or service to your customers –you’re still selling something; your company.The new standard for sourcing, attracting and hiring top talent takes cues from the world of marketing.

Guess what, recruiters? Recruitment marketing is for you, too.

Welcome to the new world of recruiting ????

So take out your marketing hat and put it on!

Now you might be thinking: “Elevatus, I’m not a marketing whiz! I work in HR!”

Don’t panic just yet.

Even if you don’t consider yourself a marketer, there are still some tried and true marketing approaches that you can leverage – with a hiring platform.

Attract candidates with a stunning career page

candidate scrolling through a hiring platform

Today, in the world of marketing, it’s estimated that the customer needs to see an ad around 7 times before buying the product or service. This does vary or change based on the advertising channel, but all in all, frequency is key.

With recruitment, your chance to lure in top talent begins with your career page, which you can seamlessly create with a hiring platform. And remember, the conversation with top talent doesn’t start the moment you pick up the phone. It starts the first time they interact with your career page.

So your career page can be your first marketing ticket to attract the candidates you’re looking for.

Our piece of advice for recruiting top talent? Stop hiding behind stock photos that don’t really represent your brand. Candidates are looking for one thing: an authentic experience. They no longer buy the unoriginal photos and superficial testimonials. They’re buying authenticity, credibility, and reality. After all, it resonates more to the modern-day candidate.

The great news is: you can do all of that with a hiring platform. A hiring platform can help you market positions, share real information, and portray an accurate depiction of your company’s work environment and culture.

For example, a hiring platform like EVA-REC enables you to create a branded career page that acts as your shop window. You don’t even need to hire a bunch of developers or graphic designers to do it for you. Nor do you need to wait months before launching it. You can do it on your own and go live in a few minutes only!

With this branded career page, you can easily attract the right candidates by showing them what it’s really like working at your company. And we’re not just talking about luring them through pictures of your ping pong table. Candidates will get to see more, such as your perks and benefits, value proposition, and what you have to offer.

Improve candidate experience from the very start

talent acquisition team

An immersive, transparent, and candidate-friendly hiring process can be a valuable part of any company’s recruitment marketing strategy. And a hiring platform plays a pivotal role in ramping up the candidate experience to help you attract and hire qualified, top-tier candidates.

The best place is to start is by keeping communication lines open and consistent with candidates all throughout. While emails may be the obvious choice, but you might also employ automated messaging, chatbots, and text messaging throughout the hiring process. This will help you tap into different types of communication preferences that modern candidates have.

Essentially, a hiring platform can help you automate follow-up emails. Let’s say you move a candidate from the “second interview” stage to the “hired” stage. Candidates will instantly get an email informing them of the great news. This will not only help you save a monstrous amount of time, but you’ll also be able to seamlessly hire top talent with less effort and time.

Side note – knowing that the hiring platform automates and optimizes the hiring process from start to finish, it means that candidates will undergo a fast and smooth hiring experience that hits the mark. Especially since it also enables them to complete the application form easily and zip through the interview stages fast. Which will irrevocably give them the impression that your company is agile, innovative, and super-advanced.

Post appealing and easy-to-understand job descriptions

laptop showing a hiring platform

Appeal is a crucial component of your job ad. It catches your candidate’s eye and entices them to apply. The same way marketers tend to lure in prospective clients with their content and approach, recruiters should follow suit with their candidates and job descriptions.

Let’s put it into perspective. If a customer wants to buy a product, would they purchase it if it came with a complex, confusing, and unclear manual? We think not.

The same thing applies to job descriptions. If candidates read a job description that doesn’t really align with the job role, uses too much jargon, or is embedded with bias – they will instantly lose interest in the job.

On the bright side, a hiring platform like EVA-REC can help you create exciting and engaging job descriptions that will help you attract top talent like a magnet. How? The hiring platform’s autofill text predictor can help recruiters write job descriptions by intelligently suggesting the appropriate skills, career level, industry and years of experience based on the job requirements alone!

This means no more beating around the bush or using complex words just to sound smart. Now, recruiters can publish job descriptions that are relevant and appeal to candidates.

Sell at each stage of the process

recruiter working with a hiring platform

Sometimes, all your marketing efforts will go to waste if your leads don’t convert. For marketers, success is all about the conversions. In the same way, recruiting efforts will carry no weight if you don’t hire the right candidate for the role. Afterall, your job is to lead candidates through the application, interview, and decision process.

Now, let’s dig a bit deeper. If you were a marketer, you would take every opportunity to sell your product or service. Right? Most likely.

And as a recruiter, you should do the same thing with your vacancies. Sell, sell, sell!

Just like the customer journey, you should be selling at each point of contact with the candidate. Straight from your job description to your job offer. Even the phone calls and the candidate’s first trip to your office should be selling.

While a hiring platform can’t exactly control the way your office looks or the impression candidates will make of it, but it can definitely help you create a positive impression behind the scenes.


Here it goes: a hiring platform starts by helping candidates sail through the application process fast.

For example, with our hiring platform, recruiters can turn the application process into an extremely fast and smooth-sailing one. In fact, it won’t take more than a couple of minutes for the candidates to complete the form. As a recruiter, you need to first specify the sign-in requirements from the candidate’s side. You then get to choose how many questions or fields you want the candidate to fill in prior to submitting the application. And when building their profile, candidates get to choose whether they want to fill in the fields manually, or by uploading their CV or through their LinkedIn profile.

In addition, job posts and descriptions are also easily navigable and locatable to candidates on all devices. So, at every touchpoint, the candidate will experience a smooth and hassle-free application process.

Last words

What’s the best way to become a modern recruiter? Think like a marketer!

Where you should engage, help out, and understand your candidates on a more personal level. With recruitment marketing, you’re not only selling your brand, but also your open roles. If we know one thing for certain, it’s that the recruitment marketing scene is evolving fast. If you want to recruit top talent like a marketer, then these tips should help you get off to a great start! And remember, the success of the above-mentioned tips strictly depends on your company’s specific needs, goals, and vision.

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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