A list of ice breaker interview questions

HR Resources

Top 10 Ice Breaker Interview Questions That Build Connection and Reveal True Talent for Successful Hiring

June 16, 2023

Kiran Kazim

Kiran Kazim

Content Writer

Do you know the saying, ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression?’ This is especially true in the world of hiring. As an employer, you want to hire the best talent for your company and create a positive experience for candidates throughout the interview process. One way to do this is by using ice breaker questions that not only build connections but also reveal true talent.

Ice breaker interview questions are designed to ease nervousness and create a relaxed atmosphere during interviews. They can be used at any point during the interview process, whether it’s at the beginning or sprinkled throughout. By asking these types of ice breaker interview questions, you’ll gain insight into a candidate’s personality and work style while also establishing a rapport with them.

In this blog, we’ll share with you our top 10 ice breaker interview questions that will help you find the right fit for your team while making candidates feel comfortable and valued.

Unlocking Talent: The Power of Interviews and Ice-Breakers in Shaping First Impressions

Man discussing the power of ice breaker interview questions with a co-worker

Discover the power of first impressions in hiring by understanding how interviews shape a candidate’s perception of your company, and learn how to build rapport and reveal true potential through strategic conversation.

When it comes to finding the right fit for your team, interviews play a critical role in the hiring process. Not only do they provide an opportunity to evaluate a candidate’s qualifications and skills, but they also allow you to gauge their personality and cultural fit.

This is where ice breaker interview questions come into play. These questions help break down barriers and create a comfortable environment for candidates, allowing them to open up and share more about themselves. By incorporating ice breaker questions in interviews, you can build rapport with candidates and get a better sense of who they are beyond their resumes.

Understanding the difference between icebreaker and regular interview questions is essential for successful hiring. While regular interview questions focus on specific job-related skills or experiences, ice breaker questions allow you to delve deeper into a candidate’s personality and values.

By asking both types of questions strategically throughout the interview process, you can gain valuable insights into whether or not someone would be a good fit for your team without sacrificing technical expertise.

Breaking the Ice: Unveiling the Secrets of Effective Ice Breaker Interview Questions

You may not realize it, but there’s a distinct difference between the types of questions you ask in an interview to simply break the ice and those meant to delve deeper into a candidate’s skillset and experience.

Ice breaker questions are designed to put candidates at ease and create a relaxed atmosphere for the interview. These questions can be about anything, from hobbies to favorite foods, and help build rapport between interviewer and candidate.

On the other hand, regular interview questions are more focused on job-related skills, experiences, and qualifications. They require candidates to provide detailed answers that showcase their abilities as they relate to the position being filled. These questions may include situational or behavioral inquiries that allow employers to gauge how candidates would handle specific scenarios if hired.

Understanding this difference is crucial when interviewing candidates because it helps ensure that you’re asking the right type of question at the right time. By starting with ice breaker questions, you can establish a friendly tone for the rest of the conversation while also revealing some personal information about your candidate. This sets you up for success when moving on to more serious topics later in the interview process.

As you consider the key principles in constructing effective ice breaker interview questions, it’s important to also explore innovative tools that can enhance your interviewing process. EVA-SESS is an advanced video interviewing software that can seamlessly integrate into your workflow, providing a platform for conducting engaging and insightful one-way interviews.

EVA-SESS allows you to leverage the power of video technology to observe candidates’ non-verbal cues, communication skills, and job competency. By incorporating EVA-SESS into your interviews, you can further enhance the ice breaker experience, creating a more personalized and effective interview process.

To learn more about how EVA-SESS can support your hiring needs and provide a valuable addition to your interviewing toolkit. 

Crafting Connections: The Art of Effective Ice Breaker Questions for Interviews

girl behind a laptop looking at job preferences

Are you struggling to come up with engaging and effective conversation starters for your next interview? Here are some key principles to keep in mind when crafting ice breaker questions that’ll help you create a comfortable and productive atmosphere during the interview process.

  • Firstly, make sure your ice breaker question is relevant to the job or industry. This not only shows that you’ve done your research but also allows candidates to showcase their knowledge and interest in the field.
  • Secondly, avoid controversial or personal topics such as religion or politics. These types of questions can make candidates uncomfortable and may even lead to discrimination lawsuits. Stick with open-ended questions that allow for honest and thoughtful responses without crossing any boundaries.
  • Also, keep it light-hearted and fun! Ice breakers should serve as a way to ease initial tension rather than add more stress to an already nerve-wracking experience. By incorporating humor or surprise elements into your questions, candidates are more likely to feel at ease and reveal their true selves.

Now that you know the key principles in crafting effective ice breaker questions, let’s move on to our top 10 picks! Each question serves a specific purpose in breaking the ice, easing tension, and revealing important traits about the candidate. From asking about their hobbies outside of work to discussing their favorite book or movie, these questions will help you get a better sense of who they are beyond just their resume.

Unveiling the Gems: Top 10 Ice Breaker Interview Questions to Ease Tension and Reveal Candidate Potential

Let’s check out our top picks for breaking the ice and getting to know candidates better through these insightful questions.

What’s a hobby or interest you have that most people don’t know about?

This question allows the candidate to share something unique about themselves, revealing their passions outside of work. It also helps to humanize them and break down any initial tension.

If you could trade places with one person for a day, who would it be and why?

This question allows the candidate to show off their creativity and imagination, as well as potentially reveal some of their personal values or role models. It’s a fun way to get them talking and open up more during the interview.

If you had an unlimited budget for a vacation, where would you go and what would you do?

Not only does this question allow the candidate to talk about travel, but it also reveals aspects of their personality such as whether they enjoy adventure or relaxation. It’s a great way to connect with someone on a personal level before diving into more job-specific questions.

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

This question encourages the candidate to share a memorable experience and showcases their willingness to take risks. It can also reveal their problem-solving skills and ability to adapt to new situations.

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

This question provides insight into the candidate’s interests, curiosity, and ability to appreciate history. Their choice of a historical figure can also reveal their values and aspirations.

What’s the last book you read or movie you watched that had a significant impact on you?

This question allows the candidate to showcase their intellectual curiosity and interests outside of work. It provides an opportunity for them to share insights and lessons they’ve learned from literature or film.

Tell me about a time when you faced a significant challenge and how you overcame it.

This question delves into the candidate’s problem-solving abilities and resilience. It provides an opportunity for them to share a real-life example of how they handled a difficult situation and the strategies they used to overcome it.

What is your favorite quote, and why does it resonate with you?

Asking about a favorite quote allows the candidate to reflect on their values and beliefs. It provides insight into their mindset and can reveal their sources of inspiration and motivation.

Describe a project or accomplishment you’re particularly proud of and why.

This question gives the candidate an opportunity to highlight their achievements and demonstrate their skills and dedication. It provides insight into their work ethic, goal orientation, and ability to deliver results.

If you could choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?

This question encourages self-reflection and allows the candidate to showcase their self-awareness. Their chosen word and the reasons behind it can reveal important aspects of their personality and how they perceive themselves.

Asking effective ice-breaker questions can help ease the tension in an interview while allowing both parties to connect on a personal level. However, there are certain topics that should be avoided when coming up with these types of questions.

Let’s move on to discussing what not to ask about in ice-breaker interview questions so that your next hiring process goes smoothly.

What to Avoid for a Smooth Interview Start?

girl writes notes on paper

When considering ice-breaker interview questions, it’s important to keep in mind the topics that should be avoided – like personal relationships or political affiliations – as they can create discomfort and detract from the overall purpose of getting to know the candidate.

As Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Here are some tips on what not to ask about in ice-breaker interview questions:

Personal Relationships: Asking about a candidate’s marital status or family life can come across as intrusive and irrelevant to their qualifications for the job.

Political Affiliations: Politics is a sensitive topic that can easily lead to disagreements and discomfort during an interview. It’s best to avoid asking candidates about their political views or party affiliations.

Religion: Similarly, religion is a deeply personal topic that may make candidates uncomfortable if brought up during an interview. Avoid asking about religious beliefs or practices.

Health Issues: Asking about a candidate’s health history can be seen as discriminatory and irrelevant to their qualifications for the job.

By avoiding these sensitive topics in your ice-breaker interview questions, you’ll help create a more comfortable environment where candidates feel at ease and willing to share information relevant to their suitability for the role. Remember that your goal is to get to know each candidate personally while also learning how they can contribute positively towards your organization.

Final Thoughts on Ice Breaker Interview Questions

By now, you understand how important ice breaker interview questions are in the hiring process and how they shape a first impression about your company in candidates.

Ice breaker interview questions play a pivotal role in building rapport during an interview and revealing talent. They help ease initial tension and reveal more about the candidate beyond their resume.

To further enhance your interview process and gain richer insights into candidate assessments, consider incorporating the power of video interviews. Looking for a next-generation video interviewing software designed to help identify, hire, and develop top talent more efficiently?

EVA-SESS leverages AI technology to provide reliable video-based assessments and scientifically validated psychometric reports. With EVA-SESS, you can create customizable assessments, detect ideal keywords, rank applicants, filter out correct answers, and effortlessly assess skills that are often challenging to measure.

By incorporating video interviews through EVA-SESS, you can take your hiring process to the next level. It allows you to observe candidates’ non-verbal cues, communication skills, and overall presence, providing a more holistic understanding of their potential fit for the role.

Are you ready to experience the seamless and insightful video interview process with EVA-SESS? We invite you to try our software first-hand with a free demo by simply clicking here!

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Kiran Kazim

Kiran Kazim

Turn top talent to employees fast

Hire, assess, onboard and manage top talent for every job. See how Elevatus streamlines everything; from acquire to new hire.

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