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Cracking the Code: Unveiling the Ultimate Guide to Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers

May 27, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

When it comes to online recruitment, a resume provides valuable insights into a candidate’s professional background, skills, and experience. However, it doesn’t paint the full picture of what makes someone a perfect fit for your open position and company.

That’s where interviews come in. They allow businesses to delve deeper into a candidate’s habits, behaviors, and work history.

Among the various interview styles, one stands out as the most popular: behavioral interviews. These interviews rely on unique questions that prompt candidates to share stories about their past work experiences, providing interviewers with valuable insights.

Discover the power of behavioral interview questions and answers, and unlock the key to identifying exceptional talent for your organization.

What Are Behavioural Interview Questions?

Are you recruiting online? If the answer is yes, then it’s crucial that you ask behavioral questions for the interview to get a better idea of a candidate’s future performance based on their past behavior. These questions focus on interpersonal skills, leadership abilities, how individuals handle pressure, and much more.

behavioral interview questions and answers are different from generic ones like “Why are you a good fit for this job?” They are more specific and targeted, aiming to uncover core skills that are universally important in any position, such as problem-solving and resilience. Recent statistics indicate that behavioral interview questions exhibit a 55% rate of predictive accuracy when it comes to on-the-job success.

While there are countless behavioral interview questions you can ask during online recruitment, some are especially useful as they address key skills that matter in every role.

Here are some sample behavioral interview questions to ask candidates during your hiring process:

  •  Can you tell me about a time when you faced a significant challenge at work and how you overcame it?
  • Share an example of how you successfully collaborated with a difficult team member.
  • Describe a situation where you had to make a tough decision with limited information. How did you handle it?
  • Tell me about a time when you resolved a conflict in the workplace.
  • Can you share an experience where you had to adapt to sudden changes or unexpected circumstances?

Incorporating these behavioral interview questions into your process will help you assess candidates more effectively and gain valuable insights into their abilities and potential fit within your organization. Unlock the power of behavioral interview questions and answers to make smarter hiring decisions.

Unveiling the Top 12 Insightful Behavioural Questions to Ask

Are you conducting online recruitment and seeking valuable insights into candidates’ abilities, attitudes, and problem-solving skills? 

These top 12 behavioral interview questions and answers will help you uncover valuable information and make informed hiring decisions. Dive into the interview process armed with these insightful behavioral interview questions and answers. 

Question 1 – Delivering Bad News to a Manager or Team Member

Tell me about a time you had to deliver bad news to a manager or team member. How did you do it?” This behavioral interview question aims to gauge a candidate’s ability to handle difficult conversations. The candidate should provide a concise and engaging description of a specific situation where they had to convey unwelcome information. They should explain their approach, steps taken to communicate effectively, and the recipient’s reaction. The answer should emphasize the candidate’s empathy, professionalism, and problem-solving skills.

Sample answer:

“In a previous role, I had to deliver the news of a project delay to my manager. I scheduled a meeting with them, prepared a detailed analysis of the situation, and outlined potential solutions. I delivered the news calmly and empathetically, emphasizing my commitment to finding alternative strategies. Initially, my manager was disappointed but appreciated my proactive approach and willingness to address the issue constructively. We collaborated on adjusting timelines and implementing contingency plans, ultimately turning the situation into a learning opportunity.”

Question 2 – Dealing with a Difficult Teammate

a recruiter looking for behavioral interview questions and answers

Asking this question: “Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult teammate. How did you communicate with the teammate effectively?” helps evaluate their interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, and professionalism. Plus, it assesses a candidate’s conflict resolution skills and their ability to communicate effectively. Candidates are expected to provide a specific example of a challenging experience with a colleague and explain how they effectively communicated to address the issue.

Sample answer: 

“In my previous job, I had a colleague who frequently missed deadlines, causing delays in our team’s projects. I recognized the importance of addressing the issue proactively. I scheduled a one-on-one meeting with the colleague to discuss their challenges and understand their perspective. During the meeting, I actively listened to their concerns and shared the impact of their actions on the team. Together, we devised a plan to improve their time management and set realistic deadlines. I followed up regularly, providing support and guidance whenever needed. Through open communication and collaboration, we were able to resolve the issue and improve our working relationship.”

Question 3 – Explaining an Industry Term

“How would you explain this industry term, ‘X,’ to someone from a different discipline?” This question is vital in evaluating a candidate’s ability to communicate complex concepts to individuals outside their field effectively. It demonstrates their adaptability, clarity of thought, and aptitude for simplifying technical jargon. A strong response would involve presenting ‘X’ in simple terms, using relatable examples or analogies that resonate with the listener’s domain of expertise, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the term.

Sample answer: 

“If I were to explain the industry term ‘X’ to someone from a different discipline, I would break it down into relatable terms. Let’s say ‘X’ refers to blockchain technology. I would explain it as a decentralized digital ledger that securely records and verifies transactions. Just like a shared spreadsheet, where multiple people can access and update information, blockchain enables secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks. It ensures trust and immutability, making it a foundational technology for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.”

Question 4 – Competition vs. Collaboration

Asking the question, “How would you react if a team leader encouraged competition between team members instead of collaboration?” is important because it provides insights into a candidate’s values, problem-solving skills, and ability to work in a team-oriented environment. Their response can indicate whether they prioritize teamwork and cooperation over individual success and can adapt to different leadership styles.

Sample answer: 

“I believe in the power of collaboration and fostering a supportive team environment. If a team leader encouraged competition between team members, I would first seek to understand their reasoning behind this approach. I would then try to initiate a conversation with the team leader, highlighting the benefits of collaboration and how it can lead to better outcomes. Additionally, I would proactively engage with my teammates, promoting open communication and emphasizing the value of teamwork to create a positive and cooperative atmosphere.”

Question 5 – Improving Efficiency

Ask your candidate to give you an example of a time you made a process more efficient. How did they do it? This is an important question to assess their problem-solving abilities and initiative. It allows recruiters to gauge their potential to drive improvement within a work setting. 

Sample answer: 

“During my previous role, I noticed that our team’s project management system was causing delays and confusion. I proposed implementing new software that streamlined communication and task tracking. By providing training and creating user-friendly guides, I successfully transitioned the team to the new system, resulting in a 30% reduction in project delivery time.”

Question 6 – Meeting Deadlines

A candidate met the deadline

“Have you ever missed a deadline? What happened? What would you do differently next time?” This behavioral interview question is essential as it allows recruiters to assess a candidate’s ability to handle time-sensitive tasks and their approach to problem-solving. The candidate’s response to this question offers valuable insights into their accountability, adaptability, and learning from mistakes.

Sample answer: 

“Yes, I did miss a deadline once when I underestimated the amount of work required for a project. As a result, I had to rush through the final stages, compromising the quality of my deliverables. To avoid a similar situation in the future, I now break down projects into smaller tasks, set realistic timelines, and regularly track my progress. Additionally, I maintain open communication with my team to address any obstacles that may arise promptly.”

Question 7 – Prioritizing Multiple Projects

“How do you prioritize work when there are multiple projects going on at the same time?” This behavioral interview question is crucial in evaluating a candidate’s ability to manage competing priorities effectively. It provides insights into their organizational skills, decision-making abilities, and capacity to handle complex workloads.

Sample answer: 

“To prioritize work with multiple projects, I first assess the urgency and impact of each project. I then create a detailed project plan, setting clear deadlines and milestones. Regular communication with team members and stakeholders helps me stay updated and address any challenges promptly. I also ensure to allocate dedicated time for each project and regularly review and adjust priorities as needed.”

Question 8 – Handling Stressful Situations

Asking candidates about the most stressful or difficult situation they’ve faced at their previous job is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps the recruiter assess the candidate’s ability to handle pressure and adversity. It also provides insight into their problem-solving skills, resilience, and adaptability. Furthermore, this question allows the candidate to demonstrate their self-awareness, reflection, and growth.

Sample answer:

“One of the most challenging situations I faced was during a tight deadline when a key team member unexpectedly resigned. I took immediate action by redistributing tasks among the remaining team members, prioritizing critical tasks, and communicating with stakeholders about the revised timeline. Additionally, I proactively reached out to HR to expedite the hiring process for a replacement, ultimately ensuring the project’s successful completion within the original deadline.”

Question 9 – Dealing with Disagreements

Asking the question, “What happened when you disagreed with a teammate about how you should approach a project or deal with a problem at work?” is important in a behavioral interview as it helps assess a candidate’s ability to handle conflicts and collaborate effectively. The question provides insights into their communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and willingness to work in a team. 

Sample answer:

“During a project, my colleague and I had differing opinions on the approach. We scheduled a meeting, discussed our perspectives, and found a middle ground that combined the best aspects of both ideas. This experience taught me the value of open communication and compromise in achieving successful outcomes.”

Question 10 – Handling Client Complaints

Asking the question, “Describe a time you had to handle complaints from a client. What happened, and how did you manage to remain calm?” is crucial during a recruitment process. It allows the recruiter to assess the candidate’s ability to handle difficult situations, demonstrate effective communication skills, and showcase their emotional intelligence. A candidate’s response can reveal their problem-solving abilities, customer service mindset, and resilience in managing challenging interactions with clients. It provides valuable insights into how candidates approach and resolve conflicts, ensuring they can handle client concerns in a composed and professional manner.

Sample answer:

“In my previous role as a customer service representative, I encountered a situation where a client was frustrated with delayed delivery. They called in and expressed their disappointment and anger. To remain calm, I actively listened to their concerns, empathized with their frustration, and apologized sincerely for the inconvenience caused. I assured them that I would personally investigate the issue and provide a resolution. By maintaining a composed and empathetic tone throughout the conversation, I managed to defuse the tension, address their concerns, and offer a viable solution. Ultimately, the client appreciated my handling of the situation and continued their business relationship with our company.”

Question 11 – Not Meeting a Goal

Asking the question, “Tell me about a time your team didn’t meet a goal,” is important in a behavioral interview because it allows the recruiter to assess the candidate’s ability to handle setbacks, provide constructive feedback, and communicate effectively with both team members and managers. It reveals the candidate’s problem-solving skills, accountability, and leadership potential.

Sample answer:

“In my previous role, our team failed to meet a sales target. I initiated a team meeting to discuss the situation openly, highlighting each team member’s contribution and areas for improvement. I focused on constructive feedback, emphasizing individual strengths and suggesting strategies to enhance performance. When presenting the situation to my manager, I presented a comprehensive analysis of the factors contributing to the goal not being met, along with proposed solutions and an action plan to address the issue proactively.”

Question 12 – Handling Unfamiliar Tasks

Asking the question, “Have you ever been assigned a task you were not familiar with? How did you handle it: did you ask for help, or did you try to find a solution by yourself?” during a behavioral interview is important for several reasons. Firstly, it assesses the candidate’s ability to adapt to unfamiliar situations and challenges. It provides insights into their problem-solving skills, resourcefulness, and willingness to seek assistance when needed. 

Sample answer:

“Yes, I have encountered such situations in the past. I believe in taking the initiative, so my initial approach is to research and explore potential solutions independently. However, if I reach a point where I require further guidance or expertise, I proactively seek help from team members or supervisors. This way, I ensure that I exhaust my own efforts first but also acknowledge the value of collaboration and leveraging collective knowledge.” 

recruiter smiling at candidates while recruiting online

How To Evaluate Candidates With Behavioural Interview Questions And Answers?

Evaluating candidates using behavioral interview questions and answers is a powerful tool in online recruitment. However, it’s essential to create an environment where candidates feel comfortable and have enough time to respond. Rushing their answers can lead to anxiety and potentially fabricated responses to avoid awkward silences.

Some candidates are familiar with behavioral questions, so it’s important to dig deeper and ask follow-up questions to ensure they fully describe their behavior in specific situations. This allows for a more accurate evaluation of their skills and capabilities.

When interviewing fresh graduates or candidates with limited work experience, they may struggle to provide work-related examples. Encourage them to draw from non-professional environments like study groups, athletic teams, or volunteer work and assess their qualities based on those experiences.

Pay close attention to the examples candidates use during online recruitment. Their responses provide insights into how they define challenging situations, handle difficult clients, and thrive in demanding work environments.

While past behaviors offer valuable insights into thinking and reactions, it’s important to consider other factors and not rely solely on them to predict future behaviors, as people can change over time. By taking a comprehensive approach, you can make more informed hiring decisions that align with your organization’s needs.

Final Thoughts

During online recruitment, behavioral interviews are a must-have tool for understanding how candidates will tackle tasks, navigate challenges, and interact within a specific job role. It’s a window into their potential contribution to your company culture and whether they align with your organization’s objectives.

By asking the right behavioral interview questions and answers, you gain valuable insights into a candidate’s mindset, problem-solving abilities, adaptability, teamwork, and more. It’s a game-changer for finding the perfect fit for your team.

But why stop there? Streamline your hiring process with the help of EVA-REC, the ultimate recruiting software powered by AI technology.

EVA-REC is an on-demand hiring platform that automates and improves the hiring process with AI technology. From small businesses to industry giants – EVA-REC offers fully customizable world-class features that help create a rich and immersive hiring experience for recruiters and candidates. With EVA-REC, companies can drive merit-based, objective, and fair hiring practices that minimize bias without dehumanizing the hiring process. Want to see EVA-REC in action? Request a free demo and see how our hiring platform can help you achieve hiring success! 

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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