A recruiter choosing the questions to be asked through the video interviewing software

Recruitment Software

5 Excellent Ways A Hiring Tool Can Improve Your Candidate Hiring Process

June 9, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

When it comes to hiring top talent, using a hiring tool is something that recruiters should not compromise on.

Finding, contacting, and pushing top candidates through the funnel quickly can often be the difference between finding the perfect hire, or settling for one who isn’t quite as qualified.

To accomplish this delicate balance between speed and quality, it’s important to ensure that you have efficient recruiting tools in place across your organisation.

This article is for you because we’re going beyond the basics and looking at five ways you can use a recruiting tool to build the best hiring process for your business.

Post Your Job On Social Media Sites

Strength of recruiters recruiting through hiring toolsAround 73% of candidates in the 18-34 age group found their last position through social media. Not only does this mean you need to create an engaging employer brand on social media—but it also means you must build your job postings with social media and mobile access in mind.

In today’s cutthroat recruiting market, you can’t afford to miss out on 73% of potential candidates. That’s where a hiring tool can be a lifesaver.

The right recruiting tool improves your hiring process by providing mobile-friendly job postings and one-click sharing to all the top social media platforms, ensuring you don’t miss out on mobile candidates ever again.

Automatically Share On Job Boards

sourcing for candidates on a hiring toolSpeaking of sharing, a hiring tool also simplifies the process of posting your job ads to the most relevant job boards. Instead of copying and pasting ten times over, you can send your job postings to free job boards with a single click.

And as I mentioned earlier, great recruiting tools will ensure these job postings are mobile-friendly. You can meet candidates at their level—on the job boards where they’re searching and on their mobile devices where they’re communicating and applying. All from a single system.

Record Interview Notes

Recruiter enjoying a hiring toolWhen we discuss how to hire good employees and create the best hiring process possible, we often focus on speed.

The best talent is usually the first to be hired, and moving slowly during posting, application reviews, or interviews and offers means you’ll miss the cream of the crop. But while that’s true, it’s equally important that your hiring process be careful, thoughtful, and fair. A recruiting tool can help you reach these goals as well.

With a hiring tool that includes internal communication as well as external, everyone involved in the hiring process can learn about new candidates and prepare for their upcoming interviews.

This helps collaborators settle on standardised questions to evaluate candidates more equally and more specific topics to explore individual applications.

At the end of each interview, collaborators can often use the hiring tools to record their interview notes so hiring managers may compare notes on each candidate. Not only does this make collaboration and feedback much easier, but it also helps ensure fair hiring practices are being followed within your organisation.

Track How Long Your Hiring Phase Takes With A Hiring Tool

Women looking at candidates from a hiring toolAccording to one estimate, the best candidates are typically off the market within 10 days, yet it takes the average organisation 27 working days to make a new hire. That means if you’re looking to make a top-tier hire, you can’t be average or you’ll be 17 days too late.

It’s time to sync up. A hiring tool will give you insight into how candidates navigate the application process and how much time each phase usually takes. This gives you the power to break down bottlenecks and optimise those steps where you’re losing candidates due to time or confusion.

Automate Offer Letters

Team members using a hiring toolFinally, a hiring tool helps get your ideal candidates across the finish line at the end of the process. One study found that 49% of candidates who declined a job offer did so because they’d already accepted an offer somewhere else.

After investing days, weeks, or maybe even months into finding the right person for the job, you can’t afford to lose them because of a slow offer letter.

Automating your offer letters also frees up time for HR and recruiters to focus on the candidate experience. Imagine how jarring it might be for a candidate to communicate consistently with their recruiter, right up through the final interview, only to get sudden radio silence.

On your end, you might not notice this gap in your hiring process because you’re busy prepping the offer letter. But trust me—the candidate will notice.

Closing Thoughts

Improving your hiring process and creating an incredible candidate experience may seem like daunting tasks when you’re trying to manage both on your own. But when you team up with the right hiring tool, these goals move within your grasp. Luckily, we have the perfect tool for you!

EVA-REC is an on-demand hiring platform that automates and improves the hiring process with AI technology. From small businesses to industry giants – EVA-REC offers fully customizable world-class features that help create a rich and immersive hiring experience for recruiters and candidates. With EVA-REC, companies can drive merit-based, objective, and fair hiring practices that minimise bias, without dehumanising the hiring process. Want to see EVA-REC in action?

Request a free demo and see how our hiring platform can help you achieve hiring success!

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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