recruiter leveraging video interviewing software to recruit qualified candidates

Video Interviewing Software

How to Leverage Video Interviewing Software to Recruit More Qualified Candidates

August 19, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

Hiring managers always look for new and innovative ways to find qualified candidates. Video interviewing software is a great way to do just that. By using video interviewing software, you can quickly and easily screen candidates and save valuable time and energy. 

In addition, video interviewing software can help you build a strong candidate pipeline, which will help you to fill open positions more quickly. 

Video interviewing software is an incredible tool that allows employers to conduct video interviews with candidates. These tools can be used in various ways, such as screening candidates before an in-person interview, conducting first-round interviews, or even conducting entire job interviews.

Here are some tips for finding more qualified candidates using video interviewing software.

1. Use Video Screening to Broaden your Talent Pool

A recruiter using video interviewing software on a laptop

Employers must cast a wide net to find the best candidates for a job. One way to do this is to use video screening as part of the interviewing process. Video interviewing software makes it easy to connect with candidates from different countries or even worldwide.

Plus,  it allows candidates to interview at their own time and convenience. It helps you level the playing field for those who might not be able to take time off from work or live in remote locations.

In addition, video interviewing provides employers with a complete picture of a candidate than a traditional resume or cover letter. By seeing and hearing candidates in their own words, employers can better understand their personalities, communication styles, and qualifications.

As a result, video interviewing software can help employers broaden their talent pool and find the best candidates for the job.

2. Use Video to Enhance the Candidate Experience

Recruiter happy about improved candidate experience

The candidate’s experience is essential for two reasons. First, it can impact whether or not a candidate accepts a job offer. Second, it can influence whether or not the candidate will recommend your company to others.

Unfortunately, the traditional interview process can be cumbersome and time-consuming for candidates. This is where video interviewing can help.

Video interviewing software makes it easy for candidates to complete the interview on their own time and preferred location. As a result, candidates can fit the interview into their busy schedules and don’t have to take time off from work or travel long distances.

In addition, video interviewing provides candidates with a complete picture of the job and the company. By seeing and hearing from current employees, candidates can better understand the company culture and whether or not it is a good fit for them.

As a result, video interviewing can help improve the candidate experience and makes your company more attractive to top talent.

3. Use Video to Save Time and Money

a recruiter improving recruiting metrics with an ATS

The traditional interviewing process can be time-consuming and costly. Employers, for example, are frequently required to pay for travel and lodging for candidates who live in different countries or states.

Furthermore, the traditional interview process frequently requires employers to take time away from work to meet candidates. Employers may face significant challenges due to this, especially if they must meet with multiple candidates.

Video interviewing software like EVA-SSESS helps you make your first round of screening 80% faster. It allows you to use your model answer as a point of reference with assessing candidates. The video interviewing software will compare the candidate’s answer to your model answer and create a relevancy percentage. This percentage dictates how relevant their answer is to yours. Plus, EVA-SSESS can also rank the candidates in order of qualification for you. This enables you to save valuable time and pinpoint top talent simultaneously!

As a result, video interviews are more efficient and cost-effective than traditional interviews.

4. Using Video to Make Better Hiring Decisions

candidate smiling with laptop

The traditional interview process often leaves employers uncertain about whether they’ve made the right decision. This is because it can be challenging to get a complete picture of a candidate from a one-hour meeting.

Video interviewing helps alleviate this problem by providing employers with more information about candidates. In addition to seeing and hearing candidates in their own words, employers can also review the video interviews at their own convenience. This allows employers to take their time making decisions and involve other stakeholders in the decision-making process.

As a result, video interviewing can help improve the quality of hires by making it easier for employers to identify the best possible candidates for the job.

5. Get a Better Sense of Candidates’ Personalities

recruiting candidates online

Beyond candidate qualifications, finding a candidate who will fit your company culture well is essential. After all, no matter how qualified a candidate is, if they’re not a good fit for the company, they’re not likely to stick around for long.

This is where video interviewing software can be beneficial. By seeing candidates in an unscripted setting, you can get a better sense of their personalities and whether or not they’ll be a good fit for the company.

For example, do they come across as arrogant or entitled? Do they seem like someone who would be challenging to work with? Or are they warm and engaging? These are all critical factors to consider when making a hiring decision.

With video interviewing software, you can better understand a candidate’s personality, which can help you make more informed hiring decisions.

The Bottom Line

Video interviewing software is a powerful tool to help employers recruit more qualified candidates. It makes it far easier to connect with candidates from all over the world – all while gauging their true potential and fit fast. 

If you’re looking for a better way to find top talent, consider using video interviewing software in your recruiting process.

EVA-SSESS is aperfectly scalable video interviewing software for businesses of all sizes and shapes. It transforms the hiring and assessment process with inclusive one-way video interviews. 

Enabling decision-makers to attract and cultivate a more talented workforce through a seamless video interviewing process reduces hiring bias and makes interviews easily accessible to everyone. Request a free demo now and partake of this excellent AI software.

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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