company policies checklists for new hires using hiring tools

HR Resources

Hiring Tools: How to Create Great Company Policies Checklists for New Hires

June 25, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

Are you hiring new employees? If so, you need to make sure that you have a company policy checklist for new hires. This document will ensure that all new employees are aware of your company’s policies and procedures. 

You can use powerful hiring tools to create checklists for new hires, ensuring that their onboarding is as smooth and successful as possible.

This blog post will provide an overview of the company policies checklist for new hires, as well as some tips on using hiring tools for that purpose. Let’s get started!

Company Policy Checklist – An Overview

hiring tools help with creating company policy checklist

Employers often have company policies or handbooks that outline the expectations and rules for employees. A company policy checklist can help ensure that all employees are aware of the policies and that the guidelines are followed.

The checklist can also help identify areas where the company’s policies may need to be updated. Some items that may be included on a company policy checklist are dress code, attendance, social media use, computer and internet use, harassment prevention, and confidentiality.

What To Include in a Company Policy Document?

hiring tools help hiring process simpler

A company policy document is an essential tool for any business. It can help ensure that all employees are aware of the expectations and rules of the company. 

A policy document should outline the mission and goals of the company, as well as specific guidelines for employee conduct. Including information on benefits, compensation, and termination procedures are also important to mention. 

By creating a company policy document, businesses can ensure that their employees are aware of the standards they are expected to meet. A company policy checklist crafted through hiring tools helps with onboarding new hires.

How Can New Employees Access the Company’s Policies?

How Can New Employees Access the Company's Policies using hiring tools

Giving new employees access to the company’s policies is essential for a few reasons. It ensures that everyone is aware of what is expected of them and the consequences of not following the guidelines. It also helps to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and consistently. Finally, it can help to protect the company from potential lawsuits.

There are various ways to give new employees access to the company’s policies. One option is to have them sign a copy of the guidelines when hired. This ensures that they have read and agreed to them. Another option is to post the policies online, where employees can access them anytime. This is a good option for companies with many employees, as it makes it easy for everyone to access the information they need.

Finally, some companies choose to send out a policy manual to all new employees.

How Often Should Companies Review and Update Policies

update policies using hiring tools

Policies, like any other legislation, need to be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that they are still practical and relevant. Some organizations have a policy review schedule set in stone, while others may review policies more frequently if there is a change in leadership or a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. 

Regardless of how often reviews are conducted, it is essential that they are done thoroughly and that all stakeholders have an opportunity to provide input.

What Tools Are Available to Help with Creating and Implementing Company Policies?

implementing policies with hiring tools

Creating and implementing company policies can be difficult, but several hiring tools are available to help make the recruitment process more manageable.

So, while creating the policy, you communicate directly with your employees. Make sure employees understand the procedure and why it is being implemented. The next step is to make sure the policy is written clearly and concisely and shared throughout the hiring tool. A good policy will be easy to read and understand. Finally, make sure the policy is enforced consistently and easy for new hires to access through the designated hiring tool. 

Sample Company Policy for New Hires

onboard new hires with hiring tools

A company’s policy on new hires can be a great way to set the tone for how the company operates and what it expects from its employees. A well-crafted policy can help ensure that new hires are a good fit for the company culture and that they meet the company’s standards for its employees.

A good policy should outline new hires’ expectations regarding job duties, dress code, and behavior. It should also specify the process for screening and interviewing new employees and the steps that must be taken to offer them a job formally. The policy should also include information on employee benefits and access.

Finally, the policy should state the company’s expectations for employee conduct during and after employment.

Pre-onboarding New Hires Checklist 

new hires checklist using hiring tools

When a new company hires a new employee, their employer wants to ensure they are set up for success. This includes ensuring that the new hire has the necessary tools and resources to do their job. A pre-onboarding checklist can help make sure that everything is taken care of before the new employee starts working. The checklist should include items such as

  • Send them a welcome email
  • Prepare for an onboarding meeting with the team in advance
  • Setting up the employee’s computer and email
  • Ordering a company ID card
  • Getting started on onboarding paperwork
  • It’s also important to include items like arranging for parking permits or shuttle service if needed
  • Notifying IT of the new hire’s arrival.

A pre-onboarding checklist will help ensure that nothing is missed and that the new employee can start working immediately.

First-day Orientation New Hires Checklist

First-day Orientation New Hires Checklist using hiring tools
  • Arrange an office tour
  • Introduce them to the team
  • Introduce them to their supervisor
  • Show them their designated workspace
  • Help them set up or assign someone for the job
  • Complete paperwork
  • Provide them the employee handbook
  • Explain compensation and benefits 

Take the hiring process to the next level by making use of hiring tools along with policies and checklists prepared in advance. 

The Takeaway

In conclusion, using hiring tools can help companies adhere to their policies checklist for new hires. Streamlining the process ensures that all new employees are properly screened and have the required documentation in order before they are hired. This can help to avoid any potential issues down the road.

EVA-REC is a futuristic hiring tool that automates and improves the hiring process with AI technology. It arms leading enterprises with world-class features that help them create a rich and immersive hiring experience for recruiters and candidates alike. With EVA-REC, companies can drive merit-based, objective, and fair hiring practices that minimize bias, without dehumanizing the hiring process.

Want to see EVA-REC in action? Get a free walk-through demo here!

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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