recruiter who is working remotely

Video Interviewing Software

5 Awesome Tips That Will Help You Hire the Best Employees When Working Remotely

May 9, 2023

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

recruiter who is working remotely

Since its entrance into our lives, Covid19 redefined the way industries operate and flip turned our lives upside down. As many employees are now working remotely, its no secret that companies worldwide are now accepting the fact that remote work is the new norm.

What does working remotely mean?

Remote work is when professionals work outside a traditional workplace and mainly online. This year, remote work became the new reality for many businesses worldwide, and in this day and age, technology has made remote work a piece of the cake.

Remote work startups are now on the lookout for top talent because many of them are in industries that are hungry for mission-critical employees.

So what’s the best way to hire employees when working remotely?

It’s easy!

Let’s check out these top tips together, shall we?

recruiter who is working remotely

Not everyone seems to be cut out for remote work. As a startup working remotely, you want to find applicants that are comfortable with mastering remote work. This is why before you start hiring, you need to decide on the characteristics that you’re looking for in an applicant.

Are you looking for someone who is highly inclined to take action all the time? Someone who can work under pressure? Or someone who has the capability to prioritize tasks even when physically distant from the entire team? You could be looking for someone who encompasses all of the following characteristics. And that’s completely normal.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to be entirely sure of what you’re looking for before you start hiring. This way, you’ll be assessing the qualifications that matter the most to you, so you can effortlessly make the best hire.

It goes without saying, that applicants rely on your digital presence to get to know more about you. As a startup, reflecting a strong brand identity throughout the hiring process can significantly help you attract top talent even when you’re working remotely.


It’s simple.

You need to build a career brand that will clearly illustrate your culture, your team, and your atmosphere to your applicants. This way, applicants can visualize what it would be like to be part of your team, and they’ll be excited to join your business. To achieve this, you need to create a beautiful career page that shows your favicon, logo, description of who you are, your team, and employee testimonials.

video interviewing software

Hiring employees remotely doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. Video interviewing software is the best way to hire applicants when working remotely, as it’s an intuitive and easy way to assess applicants remotely through videos.

Video interviewing software can help you learn more about the applicants, even if they’re halfway across the globe. They can provide stellar insights about the applicant’s behavioral skills, communication style, personality traits, and insights that you wouldn’t be able to attain from face-to-face interviews alone.

For instance, our video interviewing software can help you unravel various aspects of an applicant’s personality with a Five-Factor Model report. This way, you can instantly spot the best applicants and find the right talent, each and every time.

talent acquisition team

Yes, you read that right. Team collaboration is a sport, even when you’re working remotely. There’s no exception that team communication can help you find the best talent with ease. As a team, you can collectively share feedback, comments, and advice when evaluating potential applicants, even when everyone is working remotely.

To make communication as open as possible, try to stick to platforms like Slack. With timely communication, your team will be able to make the hiring process much easier, as if you were all operating in the same open office space.

Did you know that Elevatus can engage your entire team even if they’re working remotely, whether they’re at home, at the office, or on another continent? No? Check it out!

recruiter using a hiring platform

Even remotely, the applicant’s experience should become a top priority. Good communication and a personalized experience can go a long way to bridge the gap between digital and physical reality. The best way to do that is to invest in a hiring platform that would give all your applicants a memorable experience.

From personalized email templates, customized interviews recommended online courses, and flexible timings, applicants won’t feel like they’re not missing out on any experience, even when they’re conducting interviews remotely.

A hiring platform can help you speed up the hiring process by 90%, filter a large pool of applicants in seconds, and ensure that you’re confidently making the right hire.


Remote hiring isn’t complicated. It just needs a few vital ingredients to ensure its overall success. To make your hiring process as smooth as possible, you have to be fully prepped in advance. From defining ideal characteristics, building a stunning career page, investing in video interviewing software, fostering team collaboration, and prioritizing the applicant’s experience – everything goes hand in hand. With the right planning, tools, and resources, you can build the best remote team, even when they’re all oceans away.


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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

Turn top talent to employees fast

Hire, assess, onboard and manage top talent for every job. See how Elevatus streamlines everything; from acquire to new hire.

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