A talent acquisition specialist

Hiring Platform

12 Important Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started a Talent Acquisition Career

April 18, 2023

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

Do you find yourself answering hundreds of emails a day, scheduling numerous interviews, updating calendars manually, and fighting endless anxiety attacks?

Welcome to the world of talent acquisition in 2023!

There is never a dull moment in the life of HR because we’re always learning new things. With that being said, talent acquisition is a very challenging yet rewarding role for any professional.

Just like any other career, getting started in a talent acquisition career isn’t easy. Sometimes, we wish we had a list of things that we had known prior to getting started in our careers.

Talent Acquisition Career

So if you’re a talent acquisition specialist, then you will most likely relate to the 12 things you wish someone had told you before you started your talent acquisition career! 

You need a lot of resilience… and patience.

Looking for a career that tests your nerves and sanity? Try being a talent acquisition specialist! You’ll navigate a never-ending maze of job listings, handle setbacks and rejection like a pro, and deal with all kinds of characters along the way. But with patience and perseverance, you’ll find that hidden gem of a candidate and have a laugh or two along the way. And when you do find that perfect fit, the satisfaction is unbeatable.

Rejecting candidates with always stings, no matter what.

Let’s talk about rejecting candidates. It’s a tough task that can leave a sour taste in your mouth, even if you handle it like a pro. No one likes telling someone they didn’t make the cut, especially if they gave it their all. We feel for you! But, let’s face it, rejection hurts – no matter how nicely you put it. That being said, it’s crucial to handle it with grace and positivity to keep your employer brand intact.

If a candidate is not a good fit, then don’t try to force it.

Just like trying to force a puzzle piece into the wrong spot, attempting to fit an unsuitable candidate into a role is not a smart approach to talent acquisition. If a candidate isn’t a match for a role, it’s best to keep calm and carry on. Instead of insisting on a bad match, accept it and move on to find the perfect fit.

If you thought you didn’t have anxiety, then you probably do now

Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of talent acquisition! This gig can be a wild ride, with more ups and downs than a theme park rollercoaster. From the heart-racing anxiety of meeting deadlines and satisfying stakeholders to the nail-biting unpredictability of the job market, it’s a constant adventure. But fear not! With a little bit of self-care, a positive mindset, and some stress-busting tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be able to survive the bumpy rides and thrive in your talent acquisition career.

Spreadsheets and outdated processes won’t take you anywhere in recruitment

Gone are the days when spreadsheets and antiquated processes would cut it in the recruitment game. These days, you gotta be a tech-savvy expert who can handle massive amounts of data, crunch numbers, and provide an out-of-this-world candidate experience. By embracing the newest and shiniest tools and techniques, recruiters can shine bright like a diamond and lure the crème de la crème of talent.

An AI-powered hiring platform will always come to the rescue.

In the wild jungle of talent acquisition, an AI-powered hiring platform is like having a secret weapon. It equips recruitment specialists with all the latest techy gadgets they need to stay ahead of the game. This includes nifty features like automated resume screening, intelligent interview scheduling, and customized candidate engagement. By harnessing the power of AI, recruiters can simplify their tasks and save valuable time and resources – all while winning the hearts of candidates.

You will have bad phone calls, and you might hate picking up the phone, but don’t succumb to telephobia.

As a talent acquisition specialist, you’ll be facing plenty of challenges, and bad phone calls are definitely on that list. But don’t let the fear of the phone get the best of you. With the right attitude and approach, you can turn those dreaded calls into opportunities to shine. You’ll learn to handle difficult situations with grace, convey bad news with empathy, and make candidates feel heard and valued.

Start finding and sourcing candidates sooner!

Are you a talent acquisition specialist who thrives on the thrill of the chase? Then you know that procrastination is a four-letter word in this game! The best way to catch your prey is to start sourcing and identifying candidates well in advance of any job openings. By building a deep bench of talent, you can swoop in and snag the cream of the crop before anyone else does. Plus, with a pipeline of candidates at your fingertips, you’ll reduce your time-to-hire, improve the quality of your hires, and set yourself up for a successful talent acquisition specialist career.

There’s no harm in showing great candidates that you believe in them

Building relationships with candidates is like the secret sauce that takes your talent acquisition career to the next level!

Here’s our pro tip: Believe in the power of your candidates and let them know it! Give them feedback, keep them in the loop, and watch the magic happen. When you establish a level of trust and respect with your candidates, it can lead to better engagement. Plus, it leads to higher-quality hires and a more fulfilling career in talent acquisition. So, don’t hold back! Let those exceptional candidates know that you’re cheering for them.

You’ll pick up amazing and valuable knowledge about recruitment and interviewing (after 100 phone screens or so)

The joys of being a talent acquisition specialist! After conducting about 100 phone screens, you’ll become a master in the art of recruitment and interviewing. You’ll be able to spot a misfit candidate from a mile away and a good one just by the sound of their voice. But who needs formal training and education when you have 100 phone screens under your belt? So go ahead, embrace the journey, and enjoy the thrill of becoming an expert in your field!

Don’t be afraid to solicit feedback from others

Sure, hearing critiques can be scary, but think of it like a magical potion that can turn you into a talent acquisition superstar! With feedback from hiring managers, candidates, and peers, you can sharpen your skills and become the ultimate talent acquisition master.

So, don’t be afraid to take the plunge and ask for feedback! Use it to refine your techniques, learn new tricks, and slay the talent acquisition game. Who knows, with a little bit of feedback, you might even become a legendary talent acquisition specialist that everyone wants to work with!

Recruitment nightmares are real, but you will survive

As a recruitment hero, you need to keep your cool and rise to the challenge. Whip out your problem-solving skills, stay resilient, and show those recruitment nightmares who’s boss! Sure, it might be a bumpy ride, but with a little bit of courage, determination, and maybe some coffee, you’ll make it through the darkest recruitment nights.

Takeaway thoughts

Talent acquisition is hard, we know. 32% of talent acquisition managers enjoy staying in their job for a period of 1-2 years on average. Therefore, our sign-off message to anyone who is an HR professional or seeking a career in talent acquisition in 2023; always keep going and push forward!

Failing and making mistakes is just part of the learning process, but helping candidates land their dream jobs is a feeling that is hard to match.

To all the talent acquisition specialists who are struggling to attract the right talent, engage qualified candidates, create an efficient recruitment process, and hire faster – look no further.

EVA-REC is a multi-award-winning hiring platform that helps small businesses to corporate giants build skillful workforces and hire top talent at scale. It makes it far easier for talent acquisition specialists to find, attract, and hire the right people, every time. With world-class integrations and AI features, EVA-REC creates a rich and immersive hiring experience for talent acquisition teams and candidates alike. Request a one-on-one demo here and get to see EVA-REC in action!

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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Hire, assess, onboard and manage top talent for every job. See how Elevatus streamlines everything; from acquire to new hire.

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