A recruiter using video interviewing software to revolutionise recruitment

Video Assessment Interview

6 Evident Ways Video Assessment Interviews Are Revolutionizing Recruitment

October 9, 2022

Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

Content Writer

Is your company still using traditional, in-person interviews to screen candidates? If so, you may miss out on some significant benefits that video assessment interviews can provide. In today’s competitive job market, you must use every tool at your disposal to find the best candidates.

And video assessment interviews are a powerful tool that can help you do just that.

Video assessment interviews are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer several advantages over traditional in-person interviews. They are more convenient, allow you to assess a mass number of candidates, and provide a more accurate assessment of a candidate’s skills and abilities. Today, we’re going to take a look at six ways video assessment interviews are revolutionizing recruitment.

1. Video assessment interviews are more convenient

A recruiter using video assessment interview for added convenience

With video assessment interviews, there is no need to schedule candidates for in-person meetings. They are extremely beneficial if you’re trying to coordinate interviews with candidates who are located in different time zones. Plus, many video interviewing software also provide multilingual technology and support different languages to better accommodate the needs of diverse candidates. When scheduling a video assessment interview, you also have the flexibility to choose the length of the interview. It can be valuable if you only have limited time to screen candidates. The ability to conduct video interviews on your own time can also be a major advantage when you have a busy schedule. In addition, you can record your interviews and watch them later. This allows you to review the interview as often as you want and make the best hiring decision based on a thorough evaluation.

2. Video assessment interviews allow you to reach a wider pool of candidates

A recruiter using video assessment interviews to reach a larger pool of candidate

With video assessment interviews, you’re no longer limited to candidates who live near your office or cannot take time off from work for an in-person interview. You can now connect with candidates remotely from anywhere in the world. This is especially beneficial if you’re looking for candidates with specific skills or experience that are rare to find in your area. With video assessment interviews, you can reach a global pool of candidates and connect with the best talent, no matter where they are located. Many video interviewing software also allows you to share video assessment interviews with other team members, even when they’re oceans apart. This makes it relatively easy for everyone to be on the same page regarding candidate selection.

3. Video assessment interviews provide a more accurate assessment of candidates

A recruiter using video assessment interview for more accurate assessment

When you conduct a video assessment interview, you can see the candidate’s nonverbal cues and body language. It can provide valuable insights into how they would interact with customers or clients. It also lets you see how well the candidate handles stress and pressure. In addition, video assessment interviews allow you to assess a candidate’s technical skills. For example, if you’re looking for a sales representative, you can give them a role-playing exercise and see how they would handle objections from a customer. That’s where our video interviewing software comes into play. A model answer feature is the best way to gauge a candidate’s soft skills and true potential. This allows you to see how they respond to various questions to better understand their thought process. It also provides an easy way for recruiters to make their first round 80% faster by using the model answer feature and ranking candidates in order of qualification.

4. Video assessment interviews help you to identify red flags early on

A recruiter using video assessment interview to identify red flags

In traditional in-person interviews, it can be easy to miss red flags. On the other hand, with video assessment interviews, you can see the candidate’s nonverbal cues, which can be a valuable indicator of their true character. For example, if a candidate is fidgeting, averting their gaze, or has difficulty making eye contact, it could be a sign of nervousness or discomfort. These cues can help you to identify candidates who might not be a good fit for the role. Many video interviewing software also provide reliable psychometric reports. These reports can help you to identify a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. They can also offer insights into their personality, work style, and motivation. Which allows you to make a more informed decision about whether or not they’re a good fit for the role. All in all, video assessment interviews are a great place to start if you want to revolutionize your recruitment process.

5. Video assessment interviews reduce bias

A recruiter using video assessment interview to reduce bias

Video assessment interviews can help to reduce bias in the hiring process. When you conduct a video assessment interview, you can see the candidate’s qualifications and skills without being influenced by their appearance, gender, or age. With smart filtration, you can also shortlist candidates based on their aptitudes and experience and avoid any discrimination in the selection process. Also, it’s very beneficial if you want to increase workplace diversity. With video assessment interviews, you can connect with a broader pool of candidates and identify the best talent, regardless of their background. It allows you to create a level playing field for all candidates and eliminate favoritism in the hiring process.

6. Video assessment interviews are cost-effective

A recruiter using video assessment interview to reduce hiring cost

Video assessment interviews are often more cost-effective than traditional in-person interviews. Simply because you don’t have to worry about the cost of travel or accommodation. You also don’t need to take time off from work to conduct the interview. In addition, video assessment platforms often come with various features and tools, such as video editing and transcription, which can save you a lot of time while rating the candidates. Overall, video assessment interviews are a valuable tool that can help you save time and money while providing a more accurate assessment of candidates.

The Takeaway

The use of video assessment interviews is revolutionizing the recruitment process. It has changed the game for recruiters by improving the talent acquisition process. Consider using video assessment interviews if you’re looking for new ways to recruit top talent. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed! EVA-SSESS is a next-generation video interviewing software enabling you to pinpoint and hire top talent quickly by testing and evaluating key skills and abilities through secure and unbiased video assessment interviews.Want to see EVA-SESS in action? Get a free walk-through demo here!

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Tima Rassool

Tima Rassool

A wordsmith, storyteller, and content strategist – Tima is an MBA graduate with 6+ years of experience in the world of HR. With over 2,000 blogs under her belt, Tima's expertise and insights have helped businesses across the globe take their recruitment to the next level and stay ahead of the curve.

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Hire, assess, onboard and manage top talent for every job. See how Elevatus streamlines everything; from acquire to new hire.

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